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日常英语口语对话的学习贵在持之以恒 大多成功的事情都离不开坚持,下面小编为大家带来了初中英语口语对话范文,供大家参考。


1. 看病

(Mike comes to see Dr. White . W: Dr. White; M: Mike)

W: What’s the trouble, Mike?

M: Well, doctor. It’s my eyes. I can’t see clearly.

W: How long have you had the problem?

M: Since last week, I think.

W: Let me have a look. Oh, Mike. I guess you are working too hard these days and taking less care of your eyes.

M: That’s true what should I do then?

W: Well, when you feel tired, just stop working and go out to enjoy a short rest. Remember, never go to bed too late and don’t read in bed.

M: Do you think that will help?

W: Sure, Mike.

M: All right doctor, I’ll try it .Thank you very much.

2. 打电话

A: Hello, 954122

B: Hello! Is that Tom?

A: Yes, speaking.

B: Tom, this is Hack, Fred is ill in hospital.

A: Oh, I’m sorry to hear that.

B: I want to see him. Do you know the way to the North Street Hospital?

A: Yes. You can take the No.27 bus. Get off at North Street. Then go along the road, take the first turning on the right. Walk on and turn left. You’ll find it in front of you. B: Thank you very much.

3. 问路与指路

A: Excuse me, could you please tell me how to get to the zoo?

B: Sorry, I don’t know. I’m new here. Please ask that girl.

A: Excuse me, could you tell me the way to the zoo?

C: Go along this street until you reach the second traffic lights. Turn left. At the end of the street you’ll see the zoo.

A: Can I take a bus to get there?

C: Yes, you can.

A: Which bus shall I take?

C: You can take a No.6 bus.


You : You live on this street?


David : Yeah. 对。

You : 你还没搬家,你告诉过我你要搬家的啊?

David : I wanted to move and I still want to move. Maybe next month I will move. I always say next month, next month, next month. It has already been many months and I keep saying next month.


You : So you pay rent every month, not every season, right?

你是按月付租金,而不是按季度,对吧? 英语之家www.yingyuzhijia.com

David : Every month. Maybe I should move to your neighborhood. Is it nice in Shangdi?


You : The traffic to Shangdi used to be bad, but now they have constructed another and better way to the area.


David : How is it better? 怎么个好法?

You : 路好了,交通也更方便了。那个地方非常火。我知道包老师以前就住在上地,不过他可能已经搬走了。(在初中英语口语对话中该简说的还是简单说)

David : Oh, really. There are some new apartments in the west side of the city. Many people have moved there recently. Maybe he has as well.



Daniel: What's that in the white cloth?

May: It's a model of Egyptian mummy.

Daniel: Egyptian mummy…May , could we leave here?

May: Why, Danny? We just came in.

Daniel: It looks scaring. May, I am afraid of ghosts.

May: They are preserved dead bodies, not ghosts.

Daniel: Ghosts, or dead bodies, whatever, I don't want to see them anymore. Let's go, May.

May: Oh, God. I shouldn't have let you watch “The Witch”.

Daniel: I have been having nightmares these days.

May: Danny, listen, there are no ghosts in this world, OK?

Daniel: OK. But May, where do people go after they die?

May: I don't know, Danny.
















1. -- Good morning/afternoon.

-- Good morning/afternoon/Hello/Hi.

2. -- How are you?

-- I'm fine, thanks. And you? And how are you?

-- Fine, thank you.

3. -- Nice to meet/see you.

-- Nice to meet/see you, too.

-- How do you do?

-- How do you do?

-- I'm Lin Qianghttps://m.engpx.com/news/My name is Lin Qiang. -- I'm Naneyhttps://m.engpx.com/news/My name is Naney.

-- Good bye.

-- Bye-bye.

4. -- Hello, I'm Neal.

-- Hi, I'm Nancy.

5. -- How is everything going?

-- Fine, thank you, And you?

-- Fine, thanks.

6. -- What's your name?/May I have your name, please?

-- I'm Nancy/My name is Nancy.

7. -- How old are you?

-- I'm eleven.

8. -- Which grade are you in?

-- Class 1, Grade 5.

9. -- Do you like balloons?

-- Yes, I do.

-- Why? Why do you like balloons?

-- Because they're colorful and interesting. 10. -- Do you like pandas?

-- Yes, I do.

-- Why?(Why do you like pandas?) -- Because it's very cute.

-- Let's go to see the pandas?

-- That sounds great.

11. -- Can you count from one to twenty? --Sure. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight ,nine ,ten,eleven,twelve,thirteen,fourtee n,fifteen,sixteen,seventeen,eighteen,nineteen ,twenty.

12. -- What's your phone number? -- It's 23886623.(七位号码 :前三后四 , 八位号 码 :各四位 )

13. -- What's the time, please?/What's the time by your watch?

-- Let's me see. It's 4:30.

14 -- What would you have for dinner? -- I'd like hamburgers and some orange juice. -- Do you like hot dogs? why?

-- Yes, I do. It's very nice.

15. -- Do you have sports every day?

-- Yes I do.

-- What do you usually do after school? -- I exercise a lot. I like skipping -rope.

16. -- Do you watch TV every day?

-- Yes , I do.

-- What time do you watch TV every day? -- At 7:30.

17. -- What time do you get up every day? -- At 6:30.

18. -- What time do you have your lunch every day?

-- At 11:30.

19. -- What time do you go to school every day?

-- At 7:30.

20. -- What time do you have your breakfast every day?

-- At 7:00.

21. -- What time do you have your dinner every day?

-- At 6:00.

22. -- What time do you go home every day? -- At 5:00.

23. -- How many boys/girls/pupils are there in your class?

-- Twenty-two/Twenty-eight/Fifty. 24. -- What color is your


-- It's blue/red and yellow.

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