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S: step right up, sir.先生,请走上前。

C:Good morning Could you tell me how to open a savins account?早安,你可以告诉如何我开立储蓄帐户吗?

S: Well, just fill out this form and do you hae any special identification card with you?只要填写这张表格就可以了,你有没有带身份证?

C:Will my school I. D. do?学生证可以吗?

S: Yes,that will do.可以。



C:And how much will I have to put in as my initial deposit?第一次存款我必须存多少?

S: You can put in as little as ten dollars.十元就可以了。

C:Oh,that's alright then.喔,那很好。

S: Do you have a chop?你有图章吗?

C:Oh, can't I just sign my name?噢,只签名不行吗?

S: Well, if you use a chop,you can withdraw and deposit your money in any of our branches;but if you use our signature,you can transact business only here in this buanch.呃,如果用图章,你可以在我们任何一家分支行提款;但如果只签名,就只能在这家分行办理。



C:I don't have a chop with me right now. 我现在没带图章。

S: There's small shop there at the corner,you can have your chop made in an hour.那边转角处有一家小商店,一小时内就可以刻好一个图章。

C:I'm really in a hurry. I think I'll just do it tomorrow then. Thak you anyway.我真的很匆忙。我想明天来办理好了。无论如何,还是谢谢你。

S: You're welcome. teke these forms along with you so you can write down the information at home. I'll be seeing you then.不客气。将这些表格带回去,在家里填写好之后再带回来。到时候再见。


S: Bye.再见



C:Hi,I'd like to have a personal insurance made out in my name.嗨,我想以我的名义抽人保险。

S: These are the application forms and the rates are listed below.这些是申请表格,费用则列在下面。

C:Here you are.填好了。

S: Have you read the conditions carefully?有没有仔细看那些条件?

C:Yes. Do you accept foreign currency?有,你们收不收外币?

S: What currency do you have?你有什么外币呢?

C:I have some American dollars with me.我带了一些美元。

S: That'ss do.那可以。

C:Here's the money.钱在这里。

S: You keep this part of the form and I'll keep this part.你留着表格的这部分,百我留那部分。

C:will this be all?这样就好了吗?

S: Yes, that's all Thand you.是的,没虽的了,谢谢。

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