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人生目标(The Goal of Life) 英语作文



人生目标(The Goal of Life) 英语作文

Directions: Read the story in Chinese below, and then write a composition of no less than 120 words under the title of The Goal of Life, Your composition should be based on the story and the following outline:

1. What have you learned from the story?

2. What is the goal of your life? If you have achieved the goal of your life, what would you do?




The Goal of Life

The story tells us a disabled young man, after accomplishing many great things with his strong will, suddenly found life no longer meaningful and to our great pity, committed suicide in the end. This story set me thinking deeply.

Life is colorful. We shouldn't have just one single goal in life. Instead, we should set different goals in different life stage; we should have a variety of pursuits besides career.Only in this way can we lead a happy and full life.

As for me, my first goal is to get the degree of Master of Arts. After that, I will go on learning my specialty and try my best to become a leading authority in my field. At the same time, I will have other pursuits, such as being an energetic traveler, a happy housewife, and a nice singer, and so on. I firmly believe, I won't feel my future life empty or meaningless.

标签:人生目标(The Goal of Life) 英语作文 人生目标(The Goal of Life) 英语作文


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