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An occasion when you changed your plan


You should say:

What the plan was

Why you changed it

What you did instead

And explain how you felt about changing the plan


1) What kind of people like to change plan?

2) Do young people prefer to change their plan?

3) Do you think it’s good to change plan frequently?

4) What kind of occasions let people make a change?

5) Is it good or not to make a change?


The thing that I had to change my plan happened two weeks ago. That Saturday was my girlfriend’s birthday. I was going to take her a fancy restaurant to have dinner. That restaurant is located on the top of a television tower and is a revolved one. If the weather is great, you can appreciate the wonderful scenery of the city ablaze with lights.

However, just before the day of the date, I was suddenly told that there was an exam of history on the next day. To pass it, I needed to memorize the whole book, while I had not even started on page one. If I failed this subject, I would have to retake this course. It would not only be a waste of time, but also a waste of money since I had to pay for these credits. As a result, I had no choice but to give up the arrangement for next day’s date and turned to study.

The textbook had about 500 pages, and I only had a day and a half to put them into my mind. Obviously, only the daytime would not be enough and my dormitory would be powered off during the night. So I got a room in a hotel, had food delivered to my room and slept for one or two hours if I was too asleep. Eventually, I completed this mission 4 hours before the exam.

Although I got great grades for this course, I was not happy at all. My girlfriend was mad at me because I missed her birthday. I regretted so much that I had not spent more time on the study in normal times.



Describe a time you changed your plan.

You should say:

what the plan was;

why you changed it;

what you did instead;

and explain how you felt about changing the plan.


1.Do old people often change plans?

2.Do young people like to change plans?

3.What are the common reasons when people need to change plans?

4.How would you tell your friends when you must change your plan?

5.What kinds of plans are practical?




When I was a pimply teen in middle school, I had to change my plans at the last-minute and revert to Plan B. The master plan involved a visit to the aquarium, where we planned to see the sights and sounds of this magical place. We were so excited and looked forward to an afternoon of browsing the beautiful marine life on offer. The plan was to head downtown and buy the tickets.

I love aquariums because I get lost in the ambience and beauty of the fish tanks. The lights and the colors are magnificent and the sharks make my heart skip a beat. I can lose myself in this environment because I love animals and I gm fascinated by ocean creatures.

On this May Day, things didn't go according to plan. In fact, when we got to the ticket office there was a queue a mile long! There were people as far as the eye could see. Everybody wanted to go to the aquarium on that day and we didn't have the patience to wait that long. So, we headed off to the mall feeling disappointed and went straight to clothes shops.

When I think back on our situation, I’m quietly relieved that we still found a way to achieve a positive situation. In the end we saved a few bucks and still had the chance to hang out and chat.


Describe a time that you had to change your mind/plan

You should say:

When this happened

What made you change the plan/mind What the new plan/mind was

And explain how you felt about the change

高中毕业面临着出国留学还是留在国内念大学的选择,考虑到当时的英语水平不足,出国之后无法与当 地人正常交流,于是我选择留在国内念大学,多学几年英语,提升英语水平,现在感觉很值得,在大学里 交到了真心的朋友,英语水平也提升很多,现在正在准备出国念研究生

After graduating from high school, I faced the choice between going to college domestically(在国 内) and studying abroad. Although it happened more than three years ago, the tangled feelings(纠 结的心情) I experienced at that time are still impressive to me. Studying abroad was fairly attractive to many students, including me, for mainly two reasons. The first reason was that going abroad was a perfect excuse for us to avoid the college entrance examination, which was, it is not exaggerated to say(豪不夸张的说), everyone’s nightmare. The other reason is that many of us are curious about life in a foreign country, away from the control of parents. However, considering that my English skill is not good enough to pass the SAT and I couldn’t communicate with local people smoothly, I finally decided to stay in China and join the college entrance examination. In this way, I would have more time to improve my English. Actually, now I can say, that was a wise choice. After the high school, I went to another city to go to college. At first, I felt overwhelmed(不知所措) about facing all the stuff in a completely new place by myself, but I gradually got used to it and started to enjoy the freedom. I also made many friends coming from different countries. It felt amazing that people from all corners of the country(来自五湖四海) with different habits and stories were gathering together. Therefore, I feel really grateful about the choice I made, because I can’t imagine what I would miss if I chose the other way.

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