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kindergarten幼儿园 elementary education初等教育

secondary education中等教育 higher education高等教育

adult education成人教育 open admission免试入学制

day-care center幼儿园(美) nursery school托儿所

primary/elementary school小学(英/美)

secondary school中学 coeducation男女生同校制度

junior high school初中 senior high school高中

attached middle school附中 technical school技校

polytechnic institute理工学院/科技大学 key school重点中学

graduate school研究生院 open university夜大、函大

private school私立学校 public school公立学校

universal education普及教育 educationist/educator教育家

postgraduate研究生 alumnus/alumna校友(男/女)

undergraduate本科 Alma Mater母校

auditor=guest student旁听生

boarder住宿生 open-book exam开卷考

pop test抽考 orientation program新生训练

teaching facilities教学设施 assistantship助学金

scholarship奖学金 room and board食宿

auditorium礼堂 vice-monitor副班长

period of schooling学习年限 credit system学分制

mark/score/grade分数 schedule=school timetable课程表

individual study自习 individual coaching=tutorial个别指导

English evening英语晚会 after-school activities课外活动

social investigation社会调查 voluntary labor义务劳动

graduation appraisal毕业评估

graduation ceremony=commencement毕业典礼

diploma=graduation certificate毕业证书

drop out辍学 quit school退学

school discipline校纪 attendance/participation出勤率

attend a lecture上课 miss a class缺课


1、humanities:n. 人文学科(humanity的复数 )

英英释义:studies about human culture, such as literature, languages, philosophy, and history.

例句:Chloe excels in humanities subjects. She's adept at arts and languages.


2、sciences: 科学,学科

英英释义:studies about the world, such as physics, biology, chemistry, and maths.

例句:Mark doesn't like scientific subjects, he's just too lazy to learn formulas.


3、A for effort: 努力

英英释义:a good mark, which is given someone for trying hard rather than for a success.

例句:Although I'm not the smartest in my group, I often get an A for effort, because I try hard.


4、bachelor's degree: 学士学位

英英释义:an undergraduate course which usually lasts 3 or 4 years.

例句:I will receive my bachelor's degree in two years.


5、bookworm: 书虫

英英释义:a term to describe someone who really likes to read and spends a lot of time on it.

例句:I'm a real bookworm. I won't stop until the book is read.


6、distance learning: 远程教育;函授学习

英英释义:education that takes place remotely, usually via the Internet

例句:Distance learning is more flexible than traditional education, because students don't have to attend classes and can schedule their timetables as they want.


7、eager beaver: 做事非常卖力气的人,做事勤奋的人

英英释义:an enthusiastic and hard-working person.

例句:My friend is an eager beaver. He studies everything with pleasure and gets great marks.


8、face-to-face classes:面对面的课程

英英释义: a traditional way of studying - in a classroom with a teacher.

例句:When I was a kid, face-to-face classes had no alternatives, but nowadays a myriad of educational establishments offer online courses and individual tuition.


9、higher education:高等教育

英英释义: education that is followed after high school.

例句:I plan on getting higher education after finishing school.


10、hit the books:用功学习;准备功课

英英释义: begin studying hard.

例句:I'm on my third year in the university, it is time to finally hit the books.

11、individual tuition:私人补习、私有学费、补习功课

英英释义: instruction received individually or in a small group.

例句:Individual tuition is sometimes more effective than group work.


12、intensive course: 强化课程

英英释义:a course that offers longer and more frequent classes.

例句:A few years ago I took an intensive French course in the university.


13、internship: 实习

a temporary position which students usually take to get work experience and practical knowledge.

英英释义:Before I went into design industry, I took an internship in a company.


14、master's degree: 硕士学位

英英释义:a graduate course, which follows after bachelor's degree.

例句:Master's degree is often important to find a job with a higher salary.


15、mature student:成熟的学生

英英释义someone who's older than others.

例句:Nowadays it's not uncommon to face a mature student in the class. People often change professions and get a second or third degree in their mid-thirties.



Evaluation of teachers

Whether high school students should begiven the freedom to evaluate and criticize their teachers is a challengingissue in education. Some people support this practice while others believe thatit will be hard for the teachers to maintain classroom order and gain students’respect. Personally, I agree to the latter opinion, which is based on thefollowing three reasons.

First of all, it is difficult for highschool students to adopt a completely objective attitude towards their teacherswhen they are required to perform an evaluation task. They are young teenagers,immature and full of unrealistic expectations. Therefore, it can be predicted thatthere will be more undeserved negative comments on teachers than positive ones.Furthermore, the evaluations that the naïve students give may lead to apopularity contest among teachers, who will endeavor to gain favors from thestudents and compete for higher rankings rather than be competent andresponsible teachers.

Secondly, if given the freedom to criticizetheir teachers, backward students may be tempted to attribute their pooracademic performances to the abilities of their teachers without making greatefforts to study. This is obviously unfair for their teachers and harmful totheir academic improvements. Meanwhile, if teachers receive too manyunwarranted criticisms, it will be really hard for them to concentrate on theirinstruction and one bad consequence is that they will lose the motivation andconfidence to teach.

Lastly, if high school students are free toassess their teachers, they tend to have a psychological advantage and even misbehavein an intolerable way because they think teachers are at their mercy. A commonphenomenon in many schools is that some teachers do not criticize and correctproblem students since they are afraid of being revenged when it comes tostudents’ evaluation. As a result, teachers are bound to lose their authorityand even self-respect in the classrooms.

In conclusion, giving high school studentsthe freedom to evaluate and criticize their teachers is definitely not anappropriate method of school management. On the contrary, this practice willnot only disturb teachers and disrupt classroom order but also tend to indulgestudents who misconduct themselves and leave themselves no space forimprovement.

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