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When it comes to my favorite childhood game, I’d like to introduce the game called “Eagle, chick and hen”.

What we will need for this game is enough space for some excitable kids, like squares or the like.

At the beginning of the game, the first part of the role, that is, when a hen, a person when the eagle, and the rest when the chicken. The hen will always protects her chicks from eaten by an eagle hence usually a leader will act as a chicken and others more timid will rely their trust and burden onto the leader. The attacker will act as the eagle to catch the chicks queuing behind the leader as the chicken. To win the game is when the eagle catches all chicks through grabbing behind the chicken therefore is a win-lose game whereby no time frame limitation. This is the game that cultivates our cooperation spirit when our growth.

I still remember that the game was really enjoyable and we all had fun at that moment. This game also served as a chance for me to make friends with other children and enrich my daily life even when our growth. No matter what I used to play, I should say that the childhood is one of the happiest times in my life.


Describe a sport you watched and would like to try.

You should say:

what sport it is;

how you got to know it;

whether it is difficult to do;

and explain why you would like to try it.


Do young people (in your country) like sports? (why?)

Do you think sport (or PE classes) are important (or, necessary) at school?

Is there much difference between boys and girls when they do sport?

What do you think are the benefits of having international sporting competitions?

Do you think international sport can help ease conflicts between different countries?

Some companies spend a lot of money promoting (or, sponsoring or investing in) sports events. Why do you think they do this?


I am extremely keen to learn how to do scuba diving. I have no real experience of life under the sea and to see this magical underwater world, I will need to train and get certified to dive. It has been a personal goal of mine for many years.

I first heard about the wonders of this sport from some of my mates who have travelled around the world and dived some of the most famous spots. In recent years, diving has become extremely popular among the younger generation of Chinese, As Chinese people nowadays travel a lot more, pursuits like these have also skyrocketed.

The hardest part about doing this sport is learning to swim and also losing your fear of water and drowning. I am no great swimmer, so I would at least need to learn how to stay afloat in water without feeling like I am going to drown. It seems very complicated, yet I have heard that it's not rocket science.

I would like to challenge myself and learn this sport as I view it as an achievable goal. It is important to set these types of challenges as they keep you focused and give you a sense of achievement at the end. The best approach is to use baby steps, so first I think I need to learn how to swim with confidence.


Describe a game show or a quiz program you watched on TV or online

You should say:

Where you watched it

What it was like

How often you watched it

How you liked it

And explain why you liked/disliked it

Part 3

Why do people like to watch TV shows?

What kinds of TV shows do people like to watch?

What is the difference between the games people play now and those people played in the past?

Why do some people watch TV shows online?


The TV quiz show that I would undoubtedly most like to take part in is Who Wants to be a Millionaire?. The reason is quite simple: the top prize is one million pounds. Get all of the questions right on the night and your life will not be the same ever again.

The setup of the show is quite simple: there are 15 questions to attempt, each worth an increasingly large sum of money. The first few questions, worth relatively small amounts, are easy and straightforward, but as the prize money increases, so does the difficulty of the questions. The questions can cover any range of quiz topics, including general knowledge, history, science, famous people &etc., but many of the later questions are extremely obscure in nature. When you feel that you don’t know the answer to a question, the quiz show offers you a choice: leave with the money that have already gained (from answering preceding questions correctly), or ask for help. One of the ways you can get help is by phoning a friend and asking them if they know the answer. This is why one of the things I would need to prepare before entering the show is to pick a friend who I could count on – and one who is good at quizzes! Of course I would also to prepare myself for the questions by reading up on quiz books, and watching previous episodes of the quiz show. It may sound like a lot of work just to appear on a TV quiz show, but when the prize is £1,000,000, I suspect that it will be worth it!


Why do people like to watch TV shows?

It relaxes us, many people associated feeling calm with sitting down and watching TV. So it makes sense people continue to watch it for hours on end.

We use it to escape,Just like reading a book, watching TV allows us to escape our own world and enter into a world of crime, fantasy, romance or whatever your heart (and Netflix) desires.

They know how to work us. Because we get so involved, we can’t help but watch the next one to find out how the story ends. But of course, the next episode has a cliffhanger too, and it’s a vicious cycle.

What kinds of TV shows do people like to watch?

1.soaps 2.sports 3.documentaries 4.sitcoms 5.reality Tv shows 6.game shows 7.other

What is the difference between the games people play now and those people played in the past?

The gaming industry has gone through countless eras based on the latest technologies, but one of the most disruptive additions was the birth of the Internet. The Internet has changed the face of gaming as we know it, from connecting gamers across the world to changing the way we envision, play, and even purchase games.

Why do some people watch TV shows online?

Movie theaters feel suffocating. I need to be able to fast-forward and rewind and accelerate and slow down, to be able to parcel my attention where it's needed. And the rising popularity of video streaming services like Netflix, and the number of shows made available through streaming.

finally, if you're on a long train or bus ride you can't just bring your TV with you.

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