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Task:Ambition is being emphasized in today's society. How important do you think is for people who want to succeed in life? Is it a positive or negative characteristic?



In the current era, many individuals show their ambition to success, such as gaining power or earning a lot of money. In my opinion, ambition can contribute to success to some degree, but it often turns to be a negative characteristic.


Ambition can assist individuals to fulfill their targets as one of the most significant motivation factors. Everyone used to have or has their life targets, but only a few of them are potent to really achieve their dreams. It is because there exist a lot of obstacles that hinder people from concentrating on their careers, such as lacking money or lacking time. Strong ambition for career progression could serve to spiritually support people to overcome difficulties they encounter. Nevertheless, admitting the significance of ambition is not assuming that it is positive to individuals in all conditions.


To begin with, being ambitious in success may lead to imbalance between work and personal life. It is true that ambition can motivate individuals to work nonstop, but work is not the only content of life. When workaholics spend all of their time on work, other aspects, such as exercise or family members, will be inevitably neglected. Even if they achieve their dreams, they may get some diseases like obesity or hypertension or feel lonely since they have no time for family activities. Thus, ambition may make people occupied by work all the time.


In addition, people who are ambitious to be successful often do not care details. A lot of people, especially youngsters, intend to become leaders of organisations or enterprises. However, such positions require candidates to not only have strong ambition but also have abundant working experience. Many leaders of famous enterprises used to be salesmen who had to promote their products but not every ambitious person is willing to carry out some basic tasks at the beginning. Thus, ambitious people may lose interests in performing some seemingly trivial tasks, which in turn deprives them of the opportunity of success.


To sum up, it is true that people cannot lack ambition as a motivation factor if they intend to be successful, but more often than not, ambition impacts negatively since ambitious people may ignore other aspects of life and dislike doing basic tasks.


Task:Some people think that the best way to improve road safety is to increase the minimum legal age for driving cars and motorcycles. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Sample answer:

It is sometimes argued that increasing the minimum age for unsupervised driving is the optimal way to ensure road safety. While the proposal seems feasible, I believe other solutions should be fully considered as well.

On the one hand, I agree that teenage drivers are more likely to have collisions on the road, compared to drives in other age groups. This is because young driver, especially those who are in adolescence, tend to overestimate their driving abilities and underestimate the dangers on the road. For example, because of behavioural characteristics of youth, adolescents have a weak awareness of safety. They are very likely to drive faster than the speed limit or mimic those dangerous shots shown in the movie, such as drifting, which can lead to car accidents on roads.

Nevertheless, apart from controlling the legal age strictly, I believe that other measures can be taken to prevent deaths and serious injuries. Firstly, the government might set higher standards for testing drivers’ ability to drive and prolong the training time since better prepared drivers and riders can reduce the number of incidents. Besides, a right attitude plays a vital role in ensuring the road safety. For instance, eating, drinking, or talking on the phone while driving should be prohibited as these activities might distract driver's attention and cause some unexpected consequences. Finally, for those disqualified drivers, who have serious crash record, retest is a must.

In conclusion, although the lowest legal age can prevent some disqualified drivers on the road, other considerations are equally important in tacking this issue.


Task:Many people do not feel safe either at home or they are out. What are the causes, and what can be done to make people feel safer?

Sample answer:

Security is always a frequently talked topic in the modern society. Looking into the factors leading to dangers helps people to protect themselves from insecurity. This essay will mainly analyze the reasons for this problem and provide some solutions.

There are two main factors contributing to the phenomenon that more people feel insecure. In general, the detailed description of violence on the mass media should be responsible for this problem. When criminal cases such as shooting, theft and driving after drinking are often reported on the TV, the viewers’ safety and security will probably be threatened and they will be in the belief that they are likely to subject to offenses at anytime. This problem can also be attributed to the widespread use of mobile devices. With more applications installed in people’s smart phones, they save too many secrets on this device--the online bank passwords and the information of their social network which may include significant business opportunities. It is not exaggerated that their lives and property will be threatened if they lose their precious mobile devices.

To solve this problem, governments, police stations and citizens themselves should cooperate with each other. First of all, the government should impose a restriction on the representation of crimes, reducing the plots focusing on the detailed description. The governments and police stations needs to set up a security system, through which citizens’ personal information can be prevented from being stolen. It is also of great essence that citizens should raise the awareness of security.

As mentioned above, the occurrence of crime on the mass media and the storage of personal information on mobile devices are the main reasons for insecurity. Governments, police stations and citizens should make a concerted effort to address this issue.

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