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1.Do you think you could be a teacher?


I don’t think I am suitable to be a teacher, I am not a patient man and cannot bear to repeat the same things frequently. Teachers’ job is really boring to me, you have to make your explanations as easy as possible for students to fully understand. It is a challenging job, I am afraid I cannot do it.

2. Do you have a favourite teacher?


Um… Yeah, I suppose I do, but it’s actually kind of hard to pick out a favourite because I’ve been really lucky with all my teachers. You know, they’ve been really great, at least most of them anyway, but I guess my favourite teacher would have to be my Chinese language teacher, because she was incredible. I mean, the amount of effort she put into her teaching, and her attention to detail, were just amazing. And not only that, but she also showed a genuine care for all of us, which left a really deep impression on me. So yeah, out of all my teachers, I’d say she was probably my favourite.

3.What are the qualities of a good teacher?


I should say a good teacher is one who always is well prepared for the class. And I guess if the person has a good sense of humour that would help because, you know, boring, ah, session, nobody would sit in the class, you know, hours after hours.

4.Should teachers use discipline in the classroom?


Coming from where I, um, am, I think yes, teachers should discipline students. In Korea, students would respect the teachers. My mum’s generation was more so, and my mum had to say one day, she thought teachers don’t eat, don’t go to the toilet, they are demi-Gods and wouldn’t even step on the shadow of the teacher, because you respect the teacher so much. But I don’t think same kind of respect is here and students sometimes misbehave during class hours and I just find it hard to understand.

5.Do you want to be a teacher someday?


Umm! not really. I have not given it that much thought. But among my many career plans, entering in the teaching profession is not the one that ever attracted me.

6. Why people choose to become teachers?


People mostly choose to be teachers because this is the profession which is praised across the world. People always pay proper respect to a teacher regardless of geographical location. Moreover, when the knowledge is spread among the students, the teachers receive an unimaginable pleasure.

7.What kind of person makes a good teacher?


Teaching is considered as the best profession in the world. The teachers help the students to grow. So, to be a good teacher, one needs to be sincere and punctual. Moreover, vast subject knowledge is also required or you cannot share knowledge with your students. Behaving gently with the students is also a standard to be a good teacher.

8.Do you like strict teachers?


Yeah I do. I have no problem with them at all, as long as they’re fair! Because I think, on the whole, they tend to set high standards, and so consequently, that makes us work harder and learn more. And the other good thing about strict teachers is that they keep students in line, which means that the class won’t be interrupted by slackers who just want to joke around and be a nuisance.


Teachers used to be the source of information, but now students have access to wide sources of information. Some people think that there is no role for teachers in modern education. To what extent do you agree or disagree?



抛砖:老师除了是信息来源之外,对学生还有很多作用functions .首先老师精通excel in某个学科,能归纳summarize出某学科最核心的知识,节省了学生的时间;而且老师会采用容易让学生接受的方式listener-friendly传递信息,提高学生的学习效率efficiency,这些都是学生通过搜集信息collect information自学所无法比拟的incomparable.


老师能起到情感支持emotional support的作用。学生感到沮丧时,老师可以提供鼓励;学生骄傲时,老师可以指出不足demerits.因为老师和学生相处时间比较长,老师还能够对学生心理psychological 和生活问题提供一些指导意见。



For schoolchildren, their teachers have more influence on their intelligence and social development than their parents. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 是否同意在孩子们的智力和社交方面,老师的影响比父母大?


Once children start school, teachers have more influence on their intellectual and social development than parents do. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 孩子们上学后,在学习能力和社交能力的发展方面,老师比父母的影响更大,你在多大程度上同意这个观点?(2008年9月6日雅思题目)


【首段】 背景介绍 + 争议焦点 + 作家立场

Numerous people will exert a profound impact on one’s character-training,mental growth and future life. Parents are our initial teachers, yet, educators will also be playing an increasingly crucial role in one’s academic study and social life. An opinion springs up that teachers impose a far more significant influence on one’s study and social development compared with parents. Basically, I side with the standpoint,however,the impact of parents can never be ignored.


1. Parents are our initial teachers 父母是我们最初的老师。

2. An opinion springs up that …… 有人认为……

3. impose a far more significant influence on …… 有更加深远的影响

【二段】 支持原题观点

Granted, some convincing arguments could be easily explored to justify that teachers exert a noticeable effect on those who are in the formative years in terms of social skills and intelligence development. For a start, as for students, since the majority of their time is spent in the classroom, thereby, teachers will exert a subtle influence on their cultivation of study habits or learning methods.Further,teachers usually excel in professional knowledge,summarize the core of knowledge and have deeper insight into the common sense of education,thus,they can help students excel academically

Last, it is the obligation of educators to guide students how to communicate and associate with peers in a proper way. More precisely, one’s commutation skills could be fostered and one’s suitable social ability could be developed with the assistance and guidance of teachers.


1. exert a noticeable effect on…… v对于……有显著的影响

2. those who are in the formative years n 成长中的年轻人

3. exert a subtle influence on their cultivation of study habits or learning methods v对于他们学习习惯和方法的培养有潜移默化的影响

4. help students excel academically v帮助学生们精通学业

5. it is the obligation of educators to …… v 做……是教育者职责所在

【二段】 让步原题观点的局限性

Nonetheless,it is rather groundless simply believe that parents have no roles to play in children’s sociability and academic performance. First,parents, in most cases, know better about their children and are instinctively willing to devote their love to the development of their children. In this sense, some talented or knowledgeable parents could successfully help children achieve more in academic study. Also, almost every parent will educate their child to respect the old and unite the peers. In light of this statement,parents impose a marked effect on their children’s social development.


1. Nonetheless,it is rather groundless simply believe that …… 然而,简单认为……是相当肤浅的

2. in light of this statement v基于这样的说法

3. impose a marked effect on …… v对于……施加显著的影响

【尾段】 再次亮明观点

In a nutshell,my view is that under no circumstances can we ignore the indispensable roles parents could play in their children’s development. Virtually, both teachers and educators exert profound influence on one’s intelligence and social kills. However, once schooling starts, teachers will have more influence.


However, once schooling starts, teachers will have more influence. 一旦开始接受中小学教育,老师的影响更加显著。

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