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A: Would you recommend dormitory life to today’s youngsters?

B: I suppose dormitory life has both positives and negatives. Let me begin with the positives. To my mind, dormitory life is an essential ingredient in building the personality of young people. It cultivates the individual so that he or she is able to face the world on their own.

A: But there are many instances when students feel homesick and dislike living in the dormitory. They don’t like the food, people and the environment in general.


B: This is a very valid and common observation of dormitory life anywhere in the world. But homesickness lasts for a few months in the beginning when the individual tries to adjust to the new environment. They gradually mingle with people on the same wavelength and thus bond with each other.

A: This is true. Once the initial few months pass, the student becomes acclimatized to the new surroundings. In fact, in many cases it has been observed that eventually they don’t like to leave the hostel, even during vacation time when its time to head home!

B: Absolutely. I would like to share my personal experience in this scenario. When I left home the first time I was about eighteen years. I used to cry in my pillow in my dormitory at nights. I would head for the phone and gaze at it endlessly, wanting it to ring when I was expecting phone calls from home every evening. I didn’t like anyone in the dormitory, school, teachers, staff, food etc. I just wanted to board the first train and return home. However, after a few months things started to change when I made some good friends. We started to hang out together and chat in classes and outside.

A: This is the same situation that’s been observed off and on in the dormitory life of students of various ages. However, one should be vary of the type of company that one gets into as there are no parents to guide the tender mind at this stage.

B: True. Decision making comes into play here in a major way, because the individual is on his or her own. They may be tempted to do drugs, or drink heavily and get into crime. So at this stage the intellect is of primary importance.

A: Yes. One should not give into temptation or become a slave of someone else’s idea and thus ruin your own life.

B: Parents should also keep communicating with their wards on a regular basis and try to ascertain if they are going astray.

A: Also the institutions should take care of the student’s so that they feel at home and mingle well with each other rather than brood in isolation.

B: That’s why some good schools have regular extra curricular activities to keep the young minds usefully occupied. As they say ‘an empty mind is the devil’s workshop’.
















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