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A: Did you know that China and India have had cultural exchanges since ancient times?

B: That’s correct. Many travellers from China came to India to study Buddhism like ‘Xuanzang’ and ‘I Ching’. They returned to China after studying Buddhist texts at the ‘Nalanda Buddhist University’ in India .They translated the buddhist scriptures from Sanskrit to Chinese.

A: That’s amazing. Did you know about the buddhist monk ‘Bodhidharma’ from South India who travelled to China in the fifth century? He practiced meditation and sat gazing for nine years at a wall in the ‘Shaolin Monastery’, not speaking at all. This created a hole in the wall. Also around the seventh year of gazing he fell asleep. This made him very angry and so he cut off his eyelids to prevent himself from falling asleep again. Where the eyelids fell, a tea plant grew and so tea would help the students in mediation at Shaolin.

B: It is also known that the Indian monk ‘Bodhidharma’ wrote two books ‘Yijinjing’ and ‘Xisuijing’ which contain the skills of martial arts which the Shaolin monks follow till today.

A: Many places of tourist interest like the ‘Leshan,Buddha in Sichuan, ‘Tian Tan’ Buddha in Hong Kong, are well known all over the world.

B: Yes. Thus Buddhism has a lasting impact not only on Chinese culture but the entire Southeast Asia including Thailand, Japan, Malaysia and other parts of the world where Buddhism has spread to.

A: Apart from this the music dance and movies of India particularly Bollywood are well known by Chinese people. Classic films like Raj Kapoor’s ‘Awara’ are well known and the music is popular even today.

B: True. Chinese people are fond of the Indian clothes like ‘Sari’ while the Indians like Chinese food to quite an extent.

A: Yes. In almost every Indian restaurant there is a Chinese menu. The favorite Chinese dishes include schezuan chicken, momos or dumplings, chowmien, fried rice, lung fung soup and many more.

B: When I was travelling in India I tried the Chinese food there and it was quite delicious.












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