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A=Mrs. Su(苏女士)B=Mr. Stewen(史蒂文先生)

A:Good afternoon,Mr.Steven.My appointment is at 2 o’clock,isn’t it?


B:Yes,Mrs.Su.Thank you for coming.I have been expecting you.


A:Mr.Steven,I would like to discuss with you the unfortunate affair about the insurance.As you may know,the January goods were seriously damaged when they arrived at New York.The loss caused by breakage was over 20%of all.We’ve already filed a claim to the insurance company,but they had refused to admit liability,with the reason that there was no insurance on breakage.We naturally were not satisfied with such a reply.


B:Mrs. Su,you know that we,the sellers,act merely as mediators in this kind of matter.The insurance company is responsible for the claim,as far as it is within the scope of coverage.Concerning this case,I am afraid that the loss in question was really beyond the coverage granted by us.According to the instructions of your company,we made out an insurance certificate covering W.P.A,that is,with particular average,and in that certificate we haven’t mentioned the risk of breakage.


A:We presume that the wording of our L/C has already implied the coverage of the risk of breakage. Besides,when I take a W.P.A.insurance,I regard the risk of breakage as a particular average.


B:Not every breakage is a particular average. Only when the breakage results from accidents or natural calamities,it is a particular average.If none of these conditions occur,breakage is often considered asan ordinary loss,which is not included in the scope of coverage.


A:Isn’t the risk of breakage covered by marine insurance?


B:True,but it is a usual practice to make specific mention that the risk of breakage is included in the insurance certificate.


A:For an item like cups,I think you should have understood from our letter of credit that we wanted to cover all the risks,including the risk of breakage. I must say the error was on both sides and I think the loss should be shared by both parties.Let us say half and half.


B:We could hardly admit that. We have acted according to your instructions,so it is not our fault.But as we have been doing business with each other for such a long time,we’ll provide you with a favorable offer to compensate some of your losses.I sincerely hope that you will settle the matter to your mutual satisfaction.


A:It goes without saying that both parties must act according to the contract terms that we have agreed on and signed.Due to my ignorance,I have suffered a great loss this time.


B:We also have learned a lesson from this.


A:Well,to compensate a part of the loss,as you suggested,I would like to ask you to give us a firm offer for 20,000 glasses C.I.F.New York,including the risk of breakage,September shipment?


B:No problem.If it is convenient to you,could you come at 10 o’clock tomorrow morning and we’ll probably make you an offer then.


A:Thank you,tomorrow at 10 a.m.then.


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