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《大学新生》Sydney White——现代版白雪公主与她的7个小矮人

Sydney White(2007)is a comedy starring Amanda Bynes as Sydney White. The movie is a retelling of the fairytale Snow White. Sydney White is a college freshman who pledges her deceased mother's sorority.After quickly irritating the reigning queen of the Greek system, Rachel Witchburn, Sydney is kicked out of the sorority house.With nowhere to go, Sydney is taken in by seven dorks.


I highly recommend this movie. It was very entertaining.The movie was a clever retelling of Snow White with a cute way of labeling the seven dorks.The movie never specifically called the dorks Sneezy, Sleepy, Doc, etc.,but the director did a great job of implying which character was modeled after the original Disney dwarfs.I was very entertained naming which was which when the characters were first introduced.


I really enjoyed all the scenes when Sydney and all the dorks are together. They all worked great together.The actor who played George was awesome.His facial expressions made the movie for me.Matt Long was perfect as the prince.The romance between the two was a nice plot.Matt and Amanda had great chemistry together.I am glad the director did not make the romance the main story but more just a subplot.The main story is how Sydney and the dorks challenge the Greek system.


Yes the movie is predictably but I didn't care. I loved the tongue in cheek references to Snow White.I loved the Poisoned Apple virus.I can't think of one bad thing about this movie.It is nice to be entertained by a cute and fluffy movie.


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