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A:Hello, Mr. Tong. Glad to meet you again.How is everything going?你好,童先生,再次见到您很高兴,近来一切可好?

B:I m fine, thank you very much. What can I do for you?很好,谢谢。有什么事需要帮助尽管说。

A:I ve been sent to discuss quality, quantity and other particulars of the goods with you.公司此次派我来同您商谈商品的质量、数量和其他细节。

B:So, you must have received the samples and pattern books of our handembroidered silk products we sent last week.那么贵公司一定收到了上周我方寄出的手绣丝绸产品的样品和图案册。

A:Yes, we studied them carefully after receipt.不错,我们已经收到,并且进行了仔细研究。

B:Do you have any questions?你方觉得有什么问题吗?

A:Oh yes. We find that the color and quality of your silk scarfs are satisfactory, but the quality and design of the silk handkerchiefs are not suitable. I m sorry to say that we don t like them at all.是的。我们认为真丝围巾的颜色和质量令人满意,但真丝手帕的质量和图案并不好。很遗憾,我们一点都不喜欢。

B:As far as I know, there can t be any problem with the quality of our silk handkerchiefs. As you know, silks are one of China s traditional exports. They re highly reputed for their quality. In fact, they re selling well in European markets. As regards patterns, could you please tell me in detail?据我所知,真丝手帕的质量不可能有任何问题。如您所知,丝绸是中国传统出口商品之一,以其质量上乘而闻名。事实上,它们在欧洲市场十分畅销,关于图案设计,您是否可以讲得详细点儿?

A:The patterns with animals are not popular with Americans and I m afraid that they may not be salable.美国人不太喜欢带有动物的图案,所以我担心印有这种图案的商品不好销。

B:Really? Are you joking? Anyway, it s easy to solve that problem. Here are our latest designs. You can choose what you like.真的吗?你在开玩笑吧?不管怎样,这个问题容易解决。这儿有一些最新的设计,你可以选择你所喜欢的。

A:These designs are so lovely that they ll appeal to the most selective consumers. I d like to order two of them: Silk Handkerchief No.10: 4000 dozens; No. 12: 2000 dozens.这些图案真是可爱极了,我想即使是最挑剔的消费者也会喜欢这种图案。我想选其中的两种图案:真丝手帕,货号10:4000打;货号12:2000打。

B:I m glad that you add your order.很高兴您增加了订货。

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