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A: We're looking for someone to produce our patented,custom designed devices. Do you have any suggestions for us about how we can go about finding a manufacturer?

B: You mean sourcing? It's much easier to find a source if you are looking for something that is already in production. But since you've got a unique product you'll probably end up having to look a little harder to find someone who can help you out. If it were me,I start by contacting a few factories that are already producing similar items.

A: How do you find the factories to begin with? You've got some contacts with factories,don't you?

B: Suppliers from China provide the bulk of our inventory. But we go through an agency to do our sourcing. We've found it's much more efficient that way. It's easier just to go through an agent to source the products we need. We don't have to worry about getting screwed.

A: I found this company on the Internet. What do you think? Do they look legit to you?

B: They look okay from the website. But you'd better be careful. There are tons of scams on the web. It's hard to be sure you've found a legitimate source. You don't know if they are someone you can trust. And plus,then you have language and communication issues. That's why we go with an agent.

A: The problem with using an agent's services is that you have to do profit sharing.








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