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A: Our sales are down. Public approval rating of our corporate image is down. According to marketing research the impression we give people is of a cold,distant corporation. People tend to see us as too big,too removed, and not caring. I think changes are in order.

B: Obviously,the image we want to portray is that of a good neighbor, a community partner. We want people to see us as a friend to the community and a friend to families. In that regard,our visual branding needs some work. We have to admit we've been a little outdated.

A: Well,let's update some of our old VI materials. That's not too hard to do. But I'm afraid that's not going to be enough. I think we need someone to manage our image with the public. I'd like to assign you to the job. Ding Lan,You're in charge of managing corporate identity.

C: Okay,I think I can handle that. If I may,I'd like to suggest that we make some changes to our mission statement and our company policy. We need to admit our mistakes and let the public know we've changed.

A: Okay,we can send out a press release. “In accordance with public response,we have changed our company policy on community involvement. We will no longer employ regional managers,but will bring our management to the local level. ”Oh,Ding Lan,can you also write an update on the blog about these changes?






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