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A:Mary,I want to advertise for a new junior secretary.玛丽,我想登广告招聘一名初级秘书。

B:A new junior secretary?招初级秘书?

A:Yes,a new junior secretary.You have to spend so much time on the telephone that you need someone to help you in the office.是的,招一名初级秘书。回电话占用了你很多时间,我想你需要一个人帮帮你。

B:That s a good idea.Then I can spend more time dealing with correspondence.是个好主意。那样,我就可以有更多的时间处理来往的信函。

A:Yes,and if you spend more time on correspondence,I ll have more time to visit customers.是的,如果你能腾出时间来处理来往信件,就可以有更多的时间来拜访客户了。

B:And the firm will do more business.那样的话,公司就有更多的生意了。

A:Yes,and if the firm does more business,it ll make more money.是的,公司有了更多的生意,我就可以赚更多的钱了。

B:And we ll all get more pay.那我们就可以加薪了。

A:Yes,perhaps.Anyway let s start by getting a new junior secretary.We can put an advertisement in the China Daily.也许会。不管怎样,我们现在得招一名初级秘书。我们可以在《中国日报》上刊登一则招聘广告。

B:Right.What shall we say in it?好吧。我们写什么呢?

A:Junior Secretary wanted,in block capitals.Then,a vacancy exists for a junior secretary in a mediumsized firm.Applicants should be shorthand typists with a knowledge of secretarial duties.What about that?招聘初级秘书,用大写黑体字。一中型规模公司欲招聘一名初级秘书。应聘者需具备速记技能和初级文秘知识。这样写,怎么样?

B:I think it would be a good idea to put “office practice”instead of “secretarial duties”.我觉得把“初级文秘知识”换成“办公室日常事务”更好一些。

A:Do you? Why?是吗? 为什么?

B:Well,if she s worked in an office,she will know about office practice.But she may not know anything about secretarial duties.如果应聘者在办公室工作过,她就会对办公室日常事务有所了解。但她也许不具备文秘知识。

A:Yes,you re quite right.Put “Applicants should be shorthandtypists with a knowledge of office practice.”有道理。那就写:“应聘者需具备速记技能并熟悉办公室日常事务。”

B:Oh,I see.If she want to know anything specific,I ll explain it to her.好的。如果她还想知道详细内容,我会向她解释。

A:Yes,yes.Now should we ask applicants to phone or write?我们是让应聘者写信还是打电话呢?

B:Oh,phone,I think.You can find out a great deal about someone from his or her telephone manner.And what about languages?我想还是打电话吧。从一个人打电话的方式中我们可以了解她(或他)的很多方面。哦,在语言方面有什么要求吗?

A:Well,anyone who uses the telephone in business should be able to speak at least one foreign language.We d better put “Knowledge of one foreign language essential”somewhere.任何人打商务电话都应该至少会一门外语,我们比较好在某个地方加上“要掌握一门外语”。

B:When do you want it to appear?您想什么时候刊登这个广告?

A:Oh,in Friday s issue,I think.Thank you,Mary.我看还是在星期五吧。谢谢您,玛丽!

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