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A:Let me introduce our factory while I show you around,OK?请允许我边走边介绍工厂的情况好吗?

B:OK,good idea.好,好主意。

A:Our factory is considered to be a moderate one in the line.It was the best of its kind ten years ago.我们工厂在这个行业是个中型企业,10年前,它是此类工厂中比较好的。

B:Then what happened?后来发生了什么事?

A:Many foreign enterprises and joint ventures established their factories and their markets.许多外国企业和合资企业建立了工厂,并占领了市场。

B:So,you have hard time now,don t you?那么说,你们现在的日子不好过了?

A:Yes,we feel difficult to stand in the business because of less investment and some other reasons.是的,因为缺乏投入和其他一些原因,我们觉得很难在竞争中站住脚。

B:I see.How many workers does the factory employ?我明白了。你们厂有多少职工?

A:Five hundred.500名。

B:Five hundred? It s a big number.And is the staff number of engineer big?500? 这是个大数。你们技术人员多吗?

A:We have two senior engineers,nine engineers,a few assistant engineers and technicians.Mr.Washington,this is the production shop.我们有2名高级工程师、9名工程师、几名助理工程师和技术员。华盛顿先生,这是我们的生产车间。

B:I think your equipment is not up to date,and the workers are more than that is needed.我觉得你们的设备有点落后,工人也有点多。

A:This is one of the reasons that we cannot compete with joint ventures.They are using the most advanced equipment and technology and have no burden of feeding the people that they don t need.这就是为什么不能与合资企业竞争的原因之一。他们使用的是先进的技术和设备,而且没有养活过多人口的负担。

B:I heard that many state owned enterprises are losing money,is it true?我听说许多国有企业都在赔钱,是真的吗?

A:Yes.That is not a secret.But we are lucky.We can keep the business going.是的,这已不是秘密。但我们还幸运,还能维持生产。

B:That s very good.How do you ensure quality control?那很好。你们怎样保证质量?

A:We set up a special lab and a department for inspection according to the world standard.I ll show you later.根据国际标准,我们建立了一个特殊实验室和一个检查部门。一会儿带您看看。

B:Thank you very much.非常感谢。

A:This is the packing shop.这是包装车间。

B:Do you make packing yourselves?你们自己做包装吗?

A:No,we get them from subcontractors.不,我们从固定的供货厂家购买。

B:What is the annual output of the factory?贵厂的年生产量是多少?

A:Twenty thousand tons,roughly.约2000吨。

B:Not bad.What s about power consumption?不错。年用电量是多少?

C:It s about 500 kilowatt per hour on average.年用电量平均为每小时500千瓦。

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