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A:Jean,do you know how fragile the Internet is?Today it wouldn t be too difficult for an angry teenager to create unlimited pain for anyone on the Internet.If he s a genius,he could even probably break down the entire Internet.琼,你知道因特网有多脆弱吗?如今,一个十几岁的愤怒少年不用花太多力气,就能给一个上网的人带来数不清的麻烦。如果他是个天才的话,他甚至能将整个因特网弄瘫痪。

B:Is the Internet as vulnerable as that?Or are you just trying to scare the masses?因特网真的像你描述的那么脆弱吗?你是不是在吓人呀?

A:Not at all. There re altogether 13master directory computers,known as root servers in the world. Ten of them are in the United States,and the rest are distributed abroad.一点都没有。全球总共有13台目录服务主机,又叫做根服务器。其中的10台在美国,其余的几台分布在国外。

B:Are they special?有什么特殊的地方吗?

A:Yes,rather. I would say they are the most important computers on earth. Without them,the Internet could not be structured.是的,相当特殊。我敢说这13台服务器是世界上最重要的计算机。没有它们,因特网就构造不起来了。

B:Oh,dear!But why?哦,天哪!不过,为什么?

A:The 13root computers direct computers to web addresses or domain names.Thus,if enough root servers fail,millions of Internet users could find Web sites and their e-mail inaccessible because computers wouldn t know what to do with domain names they come across.这13台“根”计算机为计算机查询网络地址或域名牵线搭桥。所以,如果相当数量的根服务器坏掉了,计算机将无法进行域名解析,无数的因特网用户也就无法访问网站,使用他们的电子信箱了。

B:Now I get your mind. Do you mean that if all or most of the 13root servers were damaged for whatever reason,the entire Internet couldn t work properly.现在我明白了。你的意思是,不管出于何种原因,如果这13台服务器全部或其中大部分遭到破坏,那么整个因特网将不能正常工作了。


B:Then there must be some highlevel precautionary measures to protect them.Like,putting the computers in safe and reliable places,and assigning special persons to take care of them.那样的话,一定有一些高级的预防措施来保护这些电脑。比如,把这些计算机放置在安全、可靠的地方,并派专人看管。

A:Yes,you re right. The physical safety of those servers is one sue.But of equal concern is the software running on them,and the possibility that someone would launch DoS attacks against those serves.If that happened,the consequence would be a nightmare.你说得很对。保证这些服务器的物理安全是一方面,但同样值得注意的是,我们要看看这些服务器里装有什么软件,以及服务器遭受DoS攻击的可能性。如果它们遭到此类攻击的话,其结果只能用噩梦来形容。

B:Sorry to interrupt you,but what is the meaning of DoS attack?对不起,打断一下,DoS攻击是什么意思?

A:DoS is the acronym of Denial of Service.To mount a so called denial of service attack,a malicious hacker would break into numerous PCs or web servers and instruct them to send a tremendous amount of traffic to the 13root servers.As a result,the servers would be flooded with so many meaningless requests that they would become overloaded and stop working eventually.DoS是“Denial of Service”(拒绝服务)的首字母缩写词。为了发动拒绝服务式攻击,一个恶意的黑客会入侵到众多的个人计算机或网络服务器里,然后通过它们向这13台根服务器发送大量的信息。其结果是,这些服务器将因接收过多的无意义请求而过载,最终停止工作。

B:That s horrible!太可怕了!

A:Fortunately,such attacks are attempted all the time but usually to single webs and not against the Internet s core directory computers.值得庆幸的是,拒绝服务式攻击虽然一直存在,但它们通常只攻击单个的网站,而没有针对核心目录服务主机。

B:But is it possible that one day the 13root servers be targeted by malicious hackers?但是,这13台服务器是否有一天也可能成为恶意的黑客们攻击的目标呢?

A:Very likely.If those computers were hacked and brought to a halt,you wouldn t be able to surf the Internet at all.That s why I said in the beginning that the Internet is very fragile.很有可能。如果那些计算机被黑客给黑掉了,并因此而停止了工作,你将不能再在网上冲浪了。这也是为什么我一开始就提到因特网实在是太脆弱了。

B:I hope that day won t come.我希望那一天不会到来。

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