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A:It s too difficult to download things from the Web site.从网上下载一些东西太难了!

B:I have never had this feeling.What s the trouble?我可没这种感觉,有什么烦恼吗?

A:The net speed is very slow.Sometimes it takes several quarters to download a small file.网速很慢,有时下载一个很小的文件就要几十分钟。

B:You d better download when the line is not busy.你比较好选择线路不忙的时候下载。

A:Yesterday I almost finished downloading a large file,but it suddenly got off line.Isn t it boring to do it again?昨天我下载了一个好大的文件,已快下载完了突然掉线,又重来一遍,你说烦不烦?

B:Haven t you got any special download software?They can solve all the problems.你没有用专用的下载软件吗?这些问题都可以解决的。

A:Is there special download software?Explain to me at once,please.还有专用下载软件?快给我讲讲。

B:Netants is very popular.Its outstanding feature is that it backs up resuming from breakpoint and multi point connection.比较流行的有“网络蚂蚁”,它最突出的特点是支持断点续传和多点连接。

A:What s resuming from breakpoint?什么叫断点续传?

B:The file downloaded still exists after the computer is off line,and when you get online again,you can go on downloading from the breakpoint.掉线后已下载的内容仍然存在,你重新上网后能从断点处继续下载。

A:What s multi point connection?那何为多点连接?

B:A file is divided into several parts to download at the same time,and that s the reason why ants can move quickly.就是指把文件分成几部分同时下载,这也是“网络蚂蚁”速度快的原因。

A:How miraculous!I ll download Netants right away.这么神奇,我也赶快下载一个“网络蚂蚁”。

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