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A:How do people get Internet connections then?人们怎么上互联网呢?

B:There are a couple of ways to connect to the Internet such as by modem or ISDN,or by T1or T3connections.有好几种上网方法,比如用调制解调器或ISDN,或者用T1或T3上网。

A:What is the main difference between them?这些方法的主要区别是什么?

B:The primary difference is the connection speed.The speeds for modem,ISDN,T1,and T3are 56K,128K,1.54M,and 45M respectively.主要区别在上网速度上。调制解调器、ISDN、T1及T3的上网速度分别是56K、128K、1.54M及45M。

A:Wow,the gaps are huge.哇,差得真不少。

B:They sure are.The gaps for the monthly leasing fees for these connections are huge,too!那是。它们的月租费差得也不少。

A:How does a home Internet user like me connect to the Internet?那像我这样的家庭用户怎么上网啊?

B:For hardware,you ll need a modem or an ADSL adapter.For software you ll need a PPP(Point to Point Protocol driver).This software allows the TCP/IP(Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol)to work with your modem or ADSL adapter.硬件方面你得需要一块调制解调器或一块ADSL适配器。软件方面你得需要PPP(点对点协议驱动程序)。这套软件能让TCP/IP(传输控制协议/互联网协议)与你的调制解调器或ADSL适配器协同运行。

A:Say no more,here comes another buzzword.What s a protocol?先别往下说,这儿又出了个新词儿,什么是协议啊?

B:Well,briefly speaking,a protocol is a set of regulations defined for network data transmission.怎么说呢,简单说来,协议就是为网络数据传输定义的一套规则。

A:I see.我懂了。

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