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A:I am wondering how Web browser communicate with Web servers over the Internet.Can you tell me?我搞不懂Web浏览器是怎么和网站服务器在互联网上通信的。你能告诉我吗?

B:All web servers and browsers follow the Hypertext Transfer Protocol,or HTTP for short.It allows the Web browser to pull up hypermedia documents written in the HTML and stored on the Web servers.所有网站服务器和Web浏览器都服从超级文本传输协议(简称HTTP)。Web浏览器通过HTTP提取用HTML写成的存放在网站服务器上的超媒体文件。

A:Can you give me an example?你能给我举个例子吗?

B:Sure.Say you want to access a hypermedia document on a Web site;your Web browser will use the HTTP to send a network request for the document to the Web server where the document is stored.可以。比如你想访问某网站的一个超媒体文件,你的Web浏览器会用HTTP给存储这个文件的网站服务器就该文件发送一个网络请求。

A:Then the Web server will respond.那网站服务器一定有回应。

B:Yup.The accessed Web server then responds to your browser s request and send the requested document to your browser by following the HTTP.对。被访问的服务器则回应你的请求,按照HTTP规则把被请求的文件发送到你的浏览器。

A:I see.How does the Web browser find out the Web server then?明白。那浏览器怎么才能找到网站服务器呢?

B:Good question.The Web browser uses a Uniform Resource Locator or URL to locate Internet resources that are usually stored on the Web servers.In other words,it is the URL that helps the browser locate the Web server.问得好。浏览器用统一资源定位符(简称URL)找到通常存储在网站服务器上的互联网信息。换句话说,是URL帮助浏览器找到网站服务器的。

A:How can I understand the URL?URL是怎么回事儿?

B:Well,a URL can be considered as the address of an Internet resource.It specifies the accessing protocols,the name of the Web server where resources reside,and the path to the resource.In most cases,we just enter the protocol and the Web server name.URL可以理解为互联网资源的地址。它指定了访问协议、存储资源的网站服务器的名称和指向资源的路径。在多数情况下,我们只需输入协议和服务器名称。

A:I can dig you.So no matter how fancy Web pages can be,the access to these pages is same.Can I say that?我明白你的意思。所以不管网页有多花哨,访问这些网页方法都一样,对吗?

B:Well said.说得好。

A:Now is the time for us to define the relationship between the Internet and the WWW.现在该定义互联网和万维网之间的关系了。

B:Yeah,man.Right on time.From our talk,we can tell that the WWW is one of the Internet applications.对了,正是时候,从我们的讨论中就能知道万维网属于互联网的一个应用。

A:Therefore,WWW is just like email,IRC,FTP,and other Internet applications.所以说,万维网就和电子邮件、IRC、FTP及其他互联网应用一样。

B:You can say that again.In fact,the WWW is an application platform.It provides a well designed and well equipped interactive graphical interface for Internet users to access the hypermedia information located on the Internet.就是这么回事儿。其实万维网是一个应用平台,它为因特网用户提供了一个精心设计和精密配置的互动图形界面,用户可以通过这个界面访问互联网上的超媒体信息。

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