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Michael:Hey,Jane!Does everyone know the time to meet this weekend for the picnic in Tazishan Park?

Jane:Yeah.They’ll all be here at eleven sharp!I’ve got all the food and drinks for the barbecue,and Tom is bringing the grill.

Michael:OK.I’ve got that old net;we can use that for table tennis.

Jane:Oh,I forgot to tell you.I’ve invited Class 2 and Class 3 as well.We’ll be able to have a table tennis match,one class against another;that’ll be great fun.

Michael:Did you check the weather?I hope it’s going to stay nice for the weekend;we can’t have picnic in the rain.

Jane:No worries!I watched the weather forecast last night,and the weatherman said it’s going to be fine-maybe a little cloudy,but definitely no rain!

(The next morning)

Michael:What terrible weather!It’s raining buckets!

Jane:There’s no way we can go out in that.Those weathermen are useless-I hope they had a picnic today too.

Michael:I don’t know what’s happened to the weather these days in Chengdu.When I was little,we never had this much rain in the summer.

Jane:I agree.And have you noticed that winter is warmer now as well?We always used to chilly wind and humid cold in January.Now winter is more like spring!

Michael:You’re telling me.I bet it’s all the pollution and the hole in the ozone layer that are changing the weather.

Jane:Oh,global warming and all that.

Michael:I guess we’ll have to take a rain check on the picnic.

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