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Lily:What do you think of this miniskirt,Amy?Pretty hot stuff,eh?

Amy:Wow……it’s pretty short.My mom would never let me wear something like that.

Lily:My mom’s cool.She lets me make my own decisions about clothes.

Amy:Not my mom.She’d be mad if I came home in a skirt like that.

Lily:The models in fashion magazines wear these miniskirts.They look gorgeous!

Amy:I know.But……

Lily:Let’s both get one;then maybe your mom wouldn’t be so upset if we both wore the same skirt.……

Mother:Amy,where did you get that skirt?You can’t wear that.It’s too short!What will others think?

Amy:You don’t understand fashion.It’s what everyone is wearing.Besides,I think it looks very attractive.

Mother:Nonsense,it’s only suitable for a supermodel on the catwalk.It’s not meant for ordinary people like us.Your dad is sure to say the skirt is far too revealing!

Amy:But it’s really in high fashion;everyone is wearing clothes like this.

Mother:Not everyone.Your friend Lily would never wear a skirt like that!

(Lily comes in,wearing the same style of short skirt.)

Amy:Look,Lily has come.She’s wearing the same skirt!

Mother:My God,I give up.

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