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A:Have you read the really interesting article about Martin Scorsese’s latest film?

B:Yes,it’s calledThe Departedand it was nominated for an Oscar,wasn’t it?

A:Yes.Have you seen it yet?

B:I saw it a few weeks ago.Matt Damon is fantastic in it.

A:Matt Damon was the focus of the gossip column in the entertainment section,too.

B:I feel sorry for those pop stars.Reporters seem to follow them everywhere.

A:They don’t get much privacy,do they?Have you read the report about the missing girl in Germany?

B:Yes,her story was absolutely amazing!Can you imagine living ten years of your life like that-being locked up in the basement by a stranger?

A:It sounds like she was a bit crazy.But it seems like she’s got a good head on her shoulders.

B:Yes.You’d think she would have quite a few mental problems after what she has experienced.

A:I’m sure more news about it will be on all of the front pages.

B:I think they might have a special report about it tonight on the evening news,too.

A:What time will that program be on?

B:At 6:30 p.m.,just after the local news.Do you want to watch it with me?

A:Sure.It’ll be interesting to hear what she has to say about her abductor.

B:I don’t know if her lawyer will allow her to say much yet,but it should be interesting,nonetheless.

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