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A:You should have seen the TV show that was on last night,the topic it covered was really interesting-animal rights.

B:Do you really believe in that?If they are going to focus on something,they should do it on civil rights.

A:Yes,but we can’t deny that animals are vulnerable,defenseless,and are completely at the mercy of human beings.

B:I understand your point,but human rights are being violated everywhere.

A:Sure,we cannot deny that.

B:If so much attention weren’t devoted to the topic of animals,we would then concentrate more on saving a human being instead of protecting a koala.

A:You can’t compare apples and oranges.I don’t think animal and civil rights are against each other.

B:But you have to admit we have limited social resources and energies.

A:Well,I believe that both topics are important and that we can’t ignore them,and the mistreatment of animals can cause a great environmental unbalance.I believe that governments should prohibit activities like poaching.

B:Well,you are right on that point.This is the reason that I don’t buy leather products and I try to buy synthetic leather products.

A:At least you’re doing your part.My contribution is to have a pet in the house that I treat it like a member of the family.

B:As long as you don’t treat it better than you treat your wife,it’s fine.

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