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A:Birds are animals with feathers on their bodies,also,birds have no front legs but they have a pair of wings,instead.Am I right?


B: Yes,you are.Birds have many different types of feathers.Some are small and fluffy and others are long and flat.Their feathers come in many different colours.

B: 对,你说得对。飞禽的羽毛有许多种类。有的小而蓬松,有的长且平整。它们长着各种颜色的羽毛。

A: That's true.Birds use their wings to fly.But the wings of some birds,such as penguins and emus,are small and stubby.These birds can't fly,you know.

A: 这倒是真的。飞禽用其翅膀飞行。但是有些飞禽的翅膀小而粗短,比如企鹅和鸸鹋。你知道,这些飞禽是不会飞的。

B: Yes.Have you noticed that the two back legs of a bird bear a few toes that end in claws? However,some birds that can swim,such as ducks and swans,have webs of skin between their toes.There are scales on the legs of birds too.

B: 是的。你注意到了没有,飞禽的两只后腿上有几个顶端长着脚趾头的爪子?但是,有些会游泳的飞禽的脚趾头之间长着蹼,比如鸭子和天鹅。飞禽的腿上还长着鳞片。

A: So the body of a bird is made up of a head,a neck,a trunk and a tail?

A: 因此说,飞禽的身体由头、颈、躯干和尾巴组成?

B: Sure.The mouth of a bird is in the form of a hard bill or beak.The shape of the bill depends on the type of food the bird eats.For example,some birds,such ducks,have flat bills for sieving small bits of food from the mud.Other birds such as eagles have sharp,pointed bills for catching small animals and tearing fish.

B: 是的。飞禽的嘴是个坚硬的喙。喙的形状因飞禽所吃食物的不同而不一样。比如,有些飞禽长着扁平的喙,以便从泥水里筛选小食物,如鸭子。其他像鹰这样的飞禽,它们的喙长得尖而锋利,以便捕捉小动物和撕咬鱼类。

A: And I find birds that search for frogs and worms in the mud,such as storks and flamingoes have long pointed bills.

A: 我还发现,像鹳和火烈鸟这样在泥地上捕捉青蛙和虫子的飞禽,则长着长长的尖喙。

B: That's it.You know,birds lay eggs that have hard shells.The eggs of different birds are of different shapes,sizes and colours.Do you know where birds lay their eggs?

B: 正是这样。你知道,飞禽产的卵外壳坚硬。不同的飞禽产的卵形状、大小和颜色也不同。你知道飞禽都在什么地方产卵吗?

A: Of course in their nests.

A: 当然是在它们的巢穴里。

B: Mostly,not all of them.The young that hatch from the eggs are called chicks.The mother bird takes care for her eggs and chicks for some time.Also,she feeds the chicks and keeps them warm.

B: 大部分是这样,但不是全部。从卵中孵化出来的幼仔叫做雏鸟。母禽要照料其所产的卵和孵化出来的幼仔一段时间。此外,它还要喂养幼仔,给它们保暖。

A: Oh,when I was a little boy,I often saw a mother hen sit over her eggs quietly.Was it that she wanted to keep the eggs warm?

A: 噢,我小的时候,经常看见母鸡静静地伏在鸡蛋上。那是它要给鸡蛋保暖吗?

B: Exactly.She keeps them warm for about three weeks.At the end of the third week the chicks become big enough to live outside the eggs.

B: 正是这样。母鸡要给它们保暖3个星期左右。第3星期末,雏鸡就能在蛋外生活了。

A: Oh,I see.They then break the shells of the eggs and come out of them.

A: 啊,我知道了。它们然后就破壳而出。

B: Yes.In this way,the chick is said to hatch out from the egg.During the first few weeks the chick is quite helpless and is looked after by its mother.The mother hen looks after her chicks for about six weeks after which time they look after themselves.

B: 是的。这样,就是雏鸡孵化出壳。在最初的几个星期里,雏鸡无法独立生活,要由母鸡照料才行。母鸡要照料雏鸡约6个星期,然后雏鸡就可以独立生活了。

A:Well,mother hens are excellent defenders.They protect their young chicks and keep them safe from other animals.Whenever there is sign of danger,they cradle the chicks under their wings.


B:You're perfectly right.


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