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A:In our world of living things we have plants,animals and people.Plants belong to a group called the Plant Kingdom while animals and people belong to the Animal Kingdom.


B: You're right.Look around you and you will see many different types of animals.Some animals are tiny while others are very large.Some animals are soft and long,while others are hard and round.So different types of animals that are alike in certain ways are put into groups.

B: 你说得对。看看周围,你会看到许多不同的动物种类。有些动物很小,而有些非常大。有些动物的身体又软又长,而有些则又硬又圆。所以,在某些方面相似的不同动物被归为一类。

A: Yes.Well,we can put animals into groups by studying their behavior.We want to know how their bodies work,how they live,how they produce their young,how they find their food,what they eat,how long they live,and so on.

A: 是这样。唔,我们可以通过研究它们的行为来划分动物种类。我们想了解它们的身体是如何工作的,它们是如何生活、如何生子、如何寻找食物,以及吃什么和能活多久等情况。

B: We also have to examine the different parts of their bodies.When we do that,we should bear the following questions in mind: Do they have scales,feathers or fur on their bodies? How many parts are their bodies divided into? How many legs do they have? How often do they give birth to their young? etc.

B: 我们还必须观察动物身体上的不同部位。观察时,我们必须记住下列几点:它们身上有鳞片、羽毛或者皮毛吗?它们的身体分成几个部分?它们有多少条腿?它们多久生一次幼仔?等等。

A: Oh well,I think I'm very interested in mammals,what do you think of them?

A: 噢,我想我对哺乳动物非常感兴趣,你对它们怎么看?

B: Er,I think mammals are more talked about.And many are friends of us humans,such as dogs,cats,cattle,sheep and even the ugly pigs.

B: 呃,我想哺乳动物是人们更常谈到的话题。许多哺乳动物都是人类的朋友,比如狗、猫、牛、羊,甚至还有丑陋的猪。

A: Well,most mammals live on land but some,such as whales and dolphins,live in water.Some mammals such as bats even have wings and can fly,other mammals such as moles and rabbits burrow into the ground and live there!

A: 唔,大部分的哺乳动物生活在地面上,但有些却生活在水中,如鲸和海豚。有些哺乳动物甚至长着翅膀,还会飞,比如蝙蝠,而另一些像鼹鼠、野兔这样的哺乳动物还会打地洞并且就住在那里!

B: Well,mammals have hair on their bodies.Bears and dogs have very thick hair which is called fur.Human beings have little hair on most parts of their bodies but a lot on their heads.And,walruses and seals have little hair.

B: 唔,哺乳动物的身上有毛发。熊和狗身上的毛很厚,叫做毛皮。人类身上大部分地方毛发不多,但是头上却很多。还有,海象和海豹的毛发也很少。

A: You know,all mammals breathe through lungs.Even those that live in water have to come to the surface of the water to breathe.

A: 你知道,所有的哺乳动物都通过肺呼吸。甚至在水中生活的那些哺乳动物都必须到水面上呼吸才行。

B: Like human beings,the young of mammals grow in the bodies of their mothers.When they are old enough,they come out of their mother's bodies.When they come out,they are also said to be born.

B: 和人类一样,哺乳动物的幼仔在其母亲的身体里生长。当它们长到足够大时,它们就从其母体里出来。它们出来的时候,也叫做出生。

A: Yes.The mother takes care of her newly born baby and feeds it with milk that is formed in her body.When the baby is older,he takes care of himself.

A: 是的。母亲照料新生的幼仔并用自己身体所产的奶水哺养它。当幼仔长到足够大时,它就自己照顾自己了。

B: Well,we have learnt how the young of other animals are made.How are human babies born,do you know?

B: 唔,我们已经知道其他动物的幼仔是如何出生的。那么,人类的婴儿是怎样出生的,你知道吗?

A: Well,human babies are born in much the same way as the young of cats,dogs and rabbits.But a woman,unlike the pig,rarely produces more than one baby at a time.If she produces two,then the babies are called twins.If she produces three at a time,they are called triplets!

A: 唔,人类的婴儿的出生方式与猫、狗和兔子的幼仔的出生方式十分相似。但是,与猪不同的是,妇女很少同时生出一个以上婴儿。如果她一胎生出两个婴儿,那就叫做双胞胎。如果她同时生出三个,他们就叫做三胞胎!

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