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Consumer 1:Here we are.

Consumer 2:Will you get a trolley,please?I will keep our personal belongings in the lockers.

Consumer 1:OK,I will take one.First,we need to buy some meat and vegetable.Let’s go to the Fresh Division.

Consumer 2:The pork rib is on special.It was$12 per kg,and now$10.Shall we get some?

Consumer 1:What’s the best-before date?

Consumer 2:Best before July 20th.They look fresh.

Consumer 1:Not bad!We take one piece.There’s lots of vegetable.Can we buy some mushroom and broccoli?

Consumer 2:Sure.Mushroom is for soup and broccoli is for pork rib.Oh,where is the oil?

Consumer 1:It is in Dry Grocery.Go straight and it’s the third aisle on our right.

Consumer 2:What brand do you want to choose?

Consumer 1:Golden Fish Oil.They are carrying out“buy one,get one free”。

Consumer 2:What is the promotion price for Golden Fish Oil 5L?

Consumer 1:$18 for 5L,plus 1L free of charge.

Consumer 2:That’s reasonable!We can get 6L for$18.

Consumer 1:Yes!Is there anything on the shopping list that we missed?

Consumer 2:We’ve got everything except laundry powder.

Consumer 1:Let’s get some.OMO laundry powder enjoys the fame of low price and high quality.

Consumer 2:But it’s sold out.How about Tide?

Consumer 1:OK,we take Tide instead.Let’s go to the checkout counter.

Consumer 2:Oh,I need to buy a pair of trousers for my brother.He only has a pair of shorts here.

Consumer 1:OK.Let’s go to the Textile.

Consumer 2:Thank you.

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