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T: I'm going to Sydney on vacation with my family. You often fly to Sydney, so you must know something interesting about it, don't you?我要和家人一起去悉尼度假。你经常飞悉尼,一定知道许多有趣的地方,对吧?

A: Yes. Sydney is a very beautiful city that is worth visiting. What are you planning to do on the trip?是的。悉尼是一座很漂亮的城市值得一去。你们这次旅行都打算做些什么?

T: The first thing I will do is to visit the Sydney Opera House. I've seen some pictures and I think the architecture is out of this world!我要做的第一件事就是去参观悉尼歌剧院。我看过一些图片,实在太美了。

A: That's true. It looks like a boat with huge white sails floating in the harbor. It's a beautiful sight surrounded by the clear blue sky and sea. What a magical place to enjoy a concert!没错。它看起来就像在港口里漂浮的一艘扬起白帆的船。被蔚蓝的天空和湛蓝的海水所包围,景色很漂亮。在那里听音乐会可是一件非常愉快的事情。

T: We've planned to watch a performance there. What show do you recommend?我们计划在那里看一场演出。你有什么好的推荐吗?

A: There are a variety of shows. I'm not sure about what will be on during your visit. You'd better check the program schedule on its website.那里有很多演出。我不确定你们去的时候会上演什么。你比较好去网站上看看演出安排。

T: All right. Are there any other interesting places?好的。还有别的有趣的地方吗?

A: Why not go to the Australian Reptile Park where you can see many strange looking animals that are native only to Australia. You can also take a train ride to the outside of Sydney to visit animal parks that have koala bears and kangaroos running freely in eucalyptus forests.你们还可以去澳大利亚爬行动物公园看看。在那里你能看到许多各式各样长相奇特的动物,并且只有澳大利亚才有的。你还可以坐火车去悉尼市郊的动物公园,在那里的桉树林里,你会看见自由奔跑的袋鼠和考拉。

T: Oh, I love koalas because they are so cute. I will surly go to those parks. By the way, where can we taste some delicious food?哦。我特别喜欢考拉因为它们实在太萌了。我肯定会去这些公园的。顺便问一下,我们在哪里能找到好吃的?

A: Hmm, Let me see. I think you should go to the XX. This region has fabulous fresh seafood restaurants. But that's not the best part.嗯,让我想一想。我觉得你们应该去××。那儿有很不错的餐馆,专卖新鲜海鲜。但还有比这个更好的。

T: I can't imagine what could be better than tasting delicious fresh fish, prawns and crabs.我想象不出还有什么会比品尝新鲜美味的鱼虾蟹更好的了。

A: Well, you can try your hand at catching your own lunch! There're boats and fishing equipment to rent and places to buy your bait.你可以试着亲自去捉你的午餐!那里有专门的船和渔具出租,还有卖鱼饵的地方。

T: Really? That sounds like a fun way to have a meal!真的吗?这样吃饭太有趣了。

A: Yes, and there are other very interesting places where you can enjoy yourself. Sydney is really a city for tourism.是的,而且还有许多其他非常有趣的地方你们可以玩,悉尼真是一个适合旅游的城市。

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