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A:Well, it seems that we'll be late for Guangzhou.

A: 看来我们到广州要晚点了。

B: Yes, I'm afraid so. There is a heavy thunderstorm ahead of us. We have to fly around the thunderstorm and we expect to arrive at Baiyun Airport half an hour behind schedule.

B: 是,恐怕会的。前方有大雷雨,我们要绕过雷雨区,预计到白云机场要晚点半小时。

A:Oh, I'm afraid I'll miss my connecting flight.

A: 哦,恐怕我赶不上下一班飞机了。

B: What's the departure time of your connecting flight?

B: 您下一班飞机几点起飞?

A: If we arrive there half an hour behind schedule, there are only 35 minutes left.

A: 如果晚点半小时,就只剩35分钟飞机就要起飞了。

B: Don't worry, sir. If you miss the flight, go to the ticket counter and they'll make a new arrangement for you.

B: 别着急,先生。如果您赶不上转机航班的话,去售票柜台,他们会为您做新的安排。

A: Could you tell me where the ticket counter is?

A: 您能告诉我售票柜台在哪里吗?

B: You'll have to go to the domestic terminal after you get down. It's just beside the international terminal.

B: 在您下飞机后,就到国内厅,它就在国际厅边上。

A: Oh, I see.

A: 哦,我明白了。

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