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A: Passengers from San Francisco, you have arrived at Chicago Airport. Please proceed to the baggage claim area to get your baggage. Passengers who are going to fly on to other places go through the connection formalities and stay in the waiting hall. Please pay attention to the information about your flights.

A: 旧金山方向来的旅客请注意:你们已经到达芝加哥机场。请到行李认领区去提取行李。继续飞往其他地方的旅客请办理中转手续在候机室等待,请注意你们航班的动态。

B: Good morning, Miss, I just came from San Francisco and I'll fly to Washington today.

B: 小姐,我刚从旧金山来,今天要飞往华盛顿。

C: Have you made a reservation for the flight to Washington?

C: 您订去往华盛顿的航班座位了吗?

B: Yes, I have.

B: 订了。

C: Which flight are you going to take?

C: 您乘哪个航班?

B: Flight AA105, departing at 17:50.

B: 下午5点50分起飞的AA105 航班。

C: Would you please show me your ticket?

C: 我看看票好吗?

B: Yes. Here it is.

B: 给你。

A: Oh, good.

A: 哦。很好。

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