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A:Where is the dining hall?

A: 餐厅在几楼?

B:It is on the seventh floor.

B: 在七楼。

A:Is there a bar in the hotel?

A: 宾馆有酒吧间吗?

B:Yes, there it is.

B: 有,就在哪儿。

A:Where are the billiard room and table tennis room?

A: 弹子房、乒乓室在哪层楼?

B:They are on the ground floor.

B: 在底层。

A:And the barber's?

A: 理发室呢?

B:It is on the ground floor, too.

B: 也在底层。

A:Where can I get a taxi?

A: 向哪里要出租汽车?

B:You can call it at the service desk.

B: 向服务台要。

A:Where are the shop and post service?

A: 小卖部、邮电服务处设在哪里?

B:They are both on the ground floor.

B: 都在底层。


A:Where is the China International Travel Service?

A: 中国国际旅行社在哪里?

B:It is at No.24 on east Nanjing Road.

B: 在南京东路24号。

A:How can I get to the Friendship Store and Seaman's Club?

A: 去友谊商店、海员俱乐部怎么走?

B:It's at No.38 on Hebei Road. Walk along the Haihe River to the north.

B: 沿海河往北走,在河北路38号。

A:Where is the Bank of China?

A: 中国银行在哪里?

B:It is at No.24, Zhong Shan Road.

B: 在中山路24号。

A:What are the places of interests in Tianjin? Can I visit the Du Le Temple?

A: 天津有些什么名胜古迹?我想去看看独乐寺,行吗?

B:Please contact the reception office.

B: 请你与接待处联系。

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