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Daniel: Daddy, what’s next? What else do we do now?

丹尼尔: 爸爸,接下来做什么?现在我们还能玩点什么呢?

Benjamin: There is a man-made fishing pond nearby. So, what do you think of going fishing there?

本杰明: 这附近有一个人工渔场。那么,你觉得我们去那里钓鱼怎么样?

Daniel: Great. Let’s go. Where is it?

丹尼尔: 太好了。我们走吧。它在哪里啊?

Benjamin: Patience, boy. A watched pot never boils. We shall get out fishing stuff first and make some baits, too.

本杰明: 孩子,耐心点。心急吃不到热豆腐。我们得先去拿渔具,还要准备好鱼饵啊。

Daniel: We have many cookies left here. Can we use them as baits?

丹尼尔: 我们还剩了很多曲奇。我们能用它们当鱼饵吗?

Benjamin: I don’t think fish would like them. Instead, they love earth worms.

本杰明: 我觉得鱼儿不会喜欢吃那个。不过,它们很喜欢吃蚯蚓。

Daniel: So let’s go and catch earth worms!

丹尼尔: 那我们去抓些蚯蚓吧。

Benjamin: OK.

本杰明: 行啊。

Daniel: Daddy, do you think we’re going to catch any fish today? We’ve been fishing here for more than two hours, and we get nothing.

丹尼尔: 爸爸,你说今天我们能钓到鱼吗?我们在这里已经钓了两个多小时了,却什么也没有钓到。

Benjamin: That’s because you’re talking to me all the time. Be patient, or there will be no chance to have sashimi for dinner today.

本杰明: 那是因为你一直在和我说话啊。耐心一点,要不然今天晚餐就没有寿司可以吃了。

Daniel: I love sashimi. Did mom bring any soy sauce for that?

丹尼尔: 我喜欢寿司。妈妈带酱油来了吗?

Benjamin: I suppose she did. Be quiet. There is a fish on the hook. Here it is. Look, a big one.

本杰明: 我想她带了。别说话。有鱼上钩了。就是它了。看,是一条大鱼。

Daniel: Cool. Hey, I’ve got an idea. Why don’t we cook it separately? Half for sashimi, and the other half for grill.

丹尼尔: 真酷。嘿,我有个主意。我们为什么不把它分开来做呢?一半做寿司,一半烧烤。

Benjamin: Great idea. But the fact is we have no barbecue with us. Moreover, the sashimi will be great. So why do we bother to waste time on barbecuing the fish?

本杰明: 很好的主意。但是我们没有带烧烤的工具啊。再说了,寿司会很好吃的。我们为什么还要浪费时间烤鱼呢?

Daniel: Well, all right. There is nothing to complain about.

丹尼尔: 好吧,你说得对。这没有什么好抱怨的。

Benjamin: Let’s go. Your mom will be very excited to see the fish. Let’s set the left earth worms free.

本杰明: 我们走吧。***妈看到这鱼一定很高兴。我们把剩下的蚯蚓放了吧。

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