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S=Staff (员工) G=Guest (宾客)

S: Good morning. Housekeeping. May I help you?上午好,客房部。有什么可以帮您的吗?

G: Yes. I have some shirts to be washed.是的我有几件衬衫要洗。

S: When do you need them, sir?请问您什么时候需要呢,先生?

G: Not straight away.不着急。

S: Will tomorrow morning be all right?那明天上午好吗?

G: That will be fine. But I have a suit that I would like be pressed as soon as possible.好的。但我还有一件西服希望能尽快熨烫一下。

S: If you are in a hurry we have a two-hour quick service. But there is an extra charge of 50% for it.如果你着急的话我们有两小时内的加急服务。但那要收50%的额外加价。

G: That's fine. And there is also a stain on my suit. Could you remove it?好的。上面还有一个污渍,能去除吗?

S: What kind of stain is it, sir?什么样的污渍呢,先生?

G: I spilled some milk on it.我不小心撒上面一些牛奶。

S: We will do our best to remove the stain but we cannot guarantee the result.我们会尽力去除污渍的,但我们并不能保证结果。

G: OK, thank you.好,谢谢。

S: OK, sir, we will send a room maid to collect your laundry. Your suit will be charged as an express service. And we will deliver it this morning around 9:00.好的,先生,我们将派服务生去取你要洗的衣物。你的西服会按快速服务收费。我们明天上午9∶00左右将给您送回去。

G: That's fine.很好。

S: Your room number, please?请问您的房间号,先生?

G: Room 1120. Thank you.1120房间。谢谢

S: You're welcome.不客气。

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