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R=Room Attendant (客房服务员) G=Guest (宾客)

R: What can I do for you?请问有什么可以帮您的吗?

G: Could you send someone up for my laundry, please? Room608, Hilton.请派人来取我要洗的衣物,好吗?608房间,希尔顿。

R: Certainly, Mrs Hilton. A valet will be up in a few minutes.当然可以,希尔顿太太。我们的服务生马上就会过去。

G: Good. I also have a silk dress which I don't think is color-fast. Will the color run in the wash?好。我还有一件我认为不会褪色的丝绸衣服。洗的时候不会褪色吧?

R: We'll dry clean the dress. Then the color won't run.我们会干洗这条裙子,所以不会褪色。

G: You're sure? Good! And the lining of my husband's jacket has come unstitched. It might tear over further while washing.你确定?太好了。另外我丈夫夹克的衬里没有缝好。可能会在洗的时候翻出来。

R: Don't worry, madam. We'll stitch it before washing.别担心。女士。我们会在洗之前把衬里缝好。

G: That's fine. Now, when can I have my laundry back?那太好了。我何时能取回洗的衣服呢?

R: Usually it takes about two days to have laundry done. But would you like express service or same-day?通常是要两天的时间。不过您是要快洗服务还是当日取?

G: What is the difference in price?在价格上有何不同?

R: We charge 50% more for express, but it only takes 3 hours.快洗服务我们会加收50%的费用,但只需3个小时就洗好了。

G: And for same-day, will I get the dress and skirt back this evening?如果当日取,今天晚上能取回礼服和裙子吗?

R: Yes, madam. All deliveries will be made before six o'clock.是的。女士。六点之前都会送到。

G: I'll have express then.那我就要快洗服务吧。

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