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R=Room Attendant (客房服务员) G=Guest (宾客)

R: Good morning, room service. May I help you?早上好,客房服务。我可以帮你吗?

G: I'd like to have breakfast in my room.我想订份早餐送到我房间来。

R: Certainly, Sir. We offer two types of breakfast, American and Continental. Which one would you prefer?当然可以,先生。我们提供两种类型的早餐,美式的和欧式的。您喜欢哪一个?

G: What does Continental breakfast have?欧式早餐有什么?

R: Peeled oranges, toast with butter, coffee or tea.已经剥皮的橙子,烤面包和黄油,咖啡或茶。

G: That would be fine, I will take it. I'd like a white coffee with two sugars, please.可以,我要来一份。请为我送一份加牛奶的咖啡和两块糖。

R: I see. May I have your name and room number, please我明白。请问您的名字和房间号?

G: Sure, It's Jackson Black in room 1506.当然,这是杰克逊·布莱克,1506房间。

R: Let me confirm your order. Mr. Jackson Black in room 1506, Continental breakfast, white coffee with two sugars. Is that right?让我确认你的订单。杰克逊·布莱克,1506房间,欧式早餐,牛奶咖啡和两块糖。对吗?

G: Exactly.对的。

R: Your order will be ready soon. Thank you for calling.您的订单很快就好了。谢谢您打电话来。

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