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B=Barber (理发师) G=Guest (宾客)

B: Good morning. Take a seat, please.早上好。请坐。

G: Thank you. I want a haircut and a shave, please.谢谢。我想理发和修面。

B: Very well, and how would you like your haircut, sir?好的,您喜欢什么发型?

G: Just a trim, and cut the sides fairly short, but not so much at the back.稍微修一下,两边多剪短些,但后面不要剪太多。

B: Nothing off the top?上面不剪吗?

G: Well, a little off the top.哦,上面少剪点。

B: How about the front?前面呢?

G: Leave the front as it is.前面不要剪了,保留原来的样子。

B: OK. Do you want me to trim your moustache?好的。要我为您修剪一下唇须吗?

G: Yes, please.是的,请。

B: Now have a look, please. Is it all right?现在请您看看。这样可以吗?

G: Well, could you cut a little more off the temple?嗯,太阳穴这儿可以再剪短些吗?

B: All right. Is that satisfactory?好的。您看这样满意吗?

G: Yes, thanks. And I'd like a shampoo, please.是的,谢谢。我想洗头。

B: Yes, sir. (After giving the guest a shampoo) Now shall I put on some hair oil or some tonic water?是的,先生。给客人洗头后要我喷上一些发油或一些奎宁水吗?

G: Both please.两者都要。

B: Anything else I can do for you?还有其他需要吗?

G: No, thank you. How much in total?没有,谢谢。一共多少钱?

B: That will be fifty yuan.五十元。

G: Here you are.给你。

B: Thank you, sir.谢谢你,先生。

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