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A: The 798 Art Zone is the most distinctive one I've ever seen.

B: That's right. The buildings were originally factories once funded by the government.

A: It must be a long story. You can tell me something later while we are visiting them.

B: There are many studios here and we can see how artists work.

A: That's very interesting. I heard many stars also have their workshops here.

B: Yes, maybe we can come across one of them. Let's go there first.

A: Wait a minute. Before that, please take a photo for me with these sculptures.

A: 798艺术区是我见过最独特的艺术区。

B: 没错,这些建筑原来都是政府曾经资助过的工厂。

A: 一定一言难尽。等会儿我们参观的时候你可以跟我讲讲。

B: 这里有许多工作室,我们能看到艺术家是如何工作的。

A: 真有趣。我听说有许多明星在这里也有工作室

B: 对,没准我们能碰上个明星呢。先去那边看看吧。

A: 等一下,先帮我和这些雕塑合个影吧。

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