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Wangfujing located in Dongcheng District of Beijing and is one of the capital's most famous shopping streets. The main shopping area is pedestrianised and is very popular for both tourists and residents of the capital. Since the middle of the Ming Dynasty there have been commercial activities in this place. In the Qing Dynasty, ten aristocratic estates and primely residence were built here. When a well full of sweet water was discovered, thereby the street got its name “Wang Fu” (princely residence), “Jing” (well). In 1903, Dong'an market was formed.


Wang fujing starts from Wangfujing Nankou (south entrance), where the Oriental Plaza and the Beijing Hotel are located and the Wangfujing Subway Station north exits. The street then heads north, passing the Wangfujing Xinhua Bookstore, the Beijing Department Store as well as the Beijing Foreign Languages Bookstore before ending at the Xin Dong An Plaza and Wangfujing Catholic Church.


The street was also previously known as Morrison Street in English after the Australian journalist George Ernest Morrison. Wangfujing is also one of the traditional downtown areas of Beijing, along with Liulichang.

王府井大街曾根据英语音译为莫理循大街(Morrison Street),这一名称源于澳大利亚籍记者乔治·厄内斯特·莫理循。和琉璃厂一样,王府井也是传统的北京闹市区之一。

Until the late 1990s, the street was open to traffic. Modifications in 1999 and 2000 made much of Wangfujing Street pedestrian only (aside from the tour trolley). Now the cars need to go through traffic detours to the east of the street.


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