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T: Good morning.早上好。

A: Good morning, sir.早上好,先生。

T: I'm here for traveling, but I don't know much about Beijing. Can you kindly give me some suggestion?我到这来旅行,但我对北京知道的不多。你能给我介绍一下吗?

A: Sure. Which kind of places do you like? Some natural places, historical places or art galleries?当然,您想去什么地方呢?自然风景,名胜古迹还是是艺术画廊?

T: I'd like to see some historical places. We have a lot of natural places in our country, so I want to see something different.我想看名胜古迹,因为我们国家有很多自然风景,所以想看些不同的。

A: Then I suggest that you have a visit to the Summer Palace.那么我建议您去颐和园。

T: Summer Palace?颐和园?

A: Yes. It's a huge garden built in Qing dynasty. It has many beautiful architecture and man-made gardens with long corridors, rockeries and ponds.是的,那是清朝建的巨大园林,有许多漂亮的建筑和人造的花园,有长长的走廊,假山和池塘等等。

T: I see. And it has a long story, doesn't it?我知道了,它也有故事的,对吧?

A: Right. The empire family often went there for for the summer holidays. So it is built very delicately.是的,过去皇家经常去那里游览,在夏天时去那里避暑,所以它建得很精致。

T: OK, I will go there. Anything else?好的,我回去那里的,还有别的地方吗?

A: There are many places you can visit, such as the Imperial Palace, Temple of Heaven. You must go to the Great Wall.还有很多地方可以去,例如故宫,天坛。您一定要去长城。

T: I've heard of it. It's a very very long wall built in the past without machines. It's really amazing. It's famous in our country.我听说过,它是建在古代的一座很长的城墙,那时候还没有机器,真是太了不起了,它在我们那里很出名。

A: I'm happy you said so. Yes, as the old saying goes, “He who has never been to the Great Wall is not a true man”.我很高兴您这样说。是啊,俗话说“不到长城非好汉!”

T: Thank you for your suggestion. I will start off tomorrow.谢谢你的建议。我明天就出发。

A: My pleasure. Have a nice stay in Beijing.不客气,祝您在北京玩得愉快。

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