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A: Mary, this is Joe s brother David.

A: 玛丽,这位是乔的弟弟戴维。

B: I m very glad to meet you, David!

B: 非常高兴能认识你,戴维。

C: It s a pleasure to meet you, too.

C: 我也是。

B: How do you like Beijing so far?

B: 现在你觉得北京怎么样?

C: It s really fantastic. And it is really different from what I expected.

C: 非常棒,跟我想象的完全不一样。

B: Don t worry. You ll get used to it soon.

B: 不用担心,不久你就会适应这里的。


A: Mr. Wang, I d like to introduce Mr. Chen, the manager of service department.

A: 王先生,我想向您介绍陈先生,客服部的经理。

B: How do you do?

B: 你好!

C: How do you do? I think we ve met before, haven t we?

C: 你好!我想我们见过吧,对不对?

B: Really? Oh, yes, we ve met at your company. It is really good to see you again!

B: 是吗?哦,对,我在你的公司见过你。再次见到你很高兴!

C: Very nice to see you!

C: 我也很高兴!

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