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A: Hi, Sharon, long time no see! How are you?

A: 嗨,莎伦,好久不见!最近还好吗?

B: I m fine thank you. How about you?

B: 很好,谢谢。你呢?

A: I am OK. What are you busy with these days?

A: 我挺好。最近你在忙些什么?

B: Not much, actually. I am busy with my new project. I have accepted a big project last month. I will go to London next month and I may have chance to see my uncle there. But now I have to carry the pressure of the project, you know, it is not that easy.

B: 事实上并不忙,我在准备我的新项目。上个月我接了个大项目。下月我得去伦敦,可能会有空去看我叔叔。但是现在我得承受点压力,你知道,这个项目不太容易。

A: That s great. When are you setting off?

A: 真厉害。你什么时候出发?

B: I remember it is in the morning. I ll tell you the exact time tonight.

B: 我记得是在早上。今晚我会告诉你准确时间。

A: OK, see you.

A: 好,回头见。

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