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A: Did you see the movie on channel 6last night?

A: 你看了昨晚六频道的电影之一吗?

B: No. I missed it. I went shopping for clothes.

B: 没有,我错过了。我出去买衣服了。

A: It was an excellent film. It had been made especially for television, you know.

A: 那是部很不错的电影。你知道吗,对于电视来说很特别。

B: I read the preview in yesterday s paper and hoped to watch it last night,but then Meg called me to go shopping with her. So I went.

B: 我读了昨天的报纸打算昨晚看的, 但是麦格叫我跟她一起去购物。然后我就走了。

A: Do you remember that the critic thought that it was one of the best films of the last ten years?

A: 你记得评论家们说这是近十年来比较好的电影之一吗?

B: Yes. I do remember. They felt it would be a candidate for some film awards at the end of the year.

B: 记得。他们觉得这部电影年底会拿一些电影奖。

A: Well,if I were one of the judges, I d pick it as the best film of the year. I haven t seen such a marvelous plot and such superb acting in a long time!

A: 是啊, 如果我是评委之一, 我会把它选为今年比较好的电影。我很久都没看过这么难以相信的场景和华丽的动作了。

B: Sounds as if I ll have to see it, if they ever run it again.

B: 看来我得看看了, 如果还会重放的话。

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