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A: May I come in?

A: 我可以进来吗?

B: Come in, please. Martin, what is the matter?

B: 请进。马丁,什么事?

A: Mr. Steve, I have almost finished my project plan. But there are still a few issues that I am not sure. Could I have a talk with you?

A: 史蒂夫先生,我刚刚完成我的计划书,但是还有几个问题我不是很确定。我能和您谈谈吗?

B: Let me see. Eh, I have a meeting in half an hour. I will be booked up tomorrow. Will the day after tomorrow do?

B: 让我想想,呃,我半个小时之后要去开会,明天一天我日程都满。后天怎么样?

A: All right, I am free all day long. What time is convenient for you?

A: 好的,我一整天都有时间。几点方便呢?

B: How about 9a.m.?

B: 上午九点怎么样?

A: All right, no problem.

A: 好的,没问题。

B: Good, that settled. See you then.

B: 好,那就定了。再见。

A: Thanks, Mr. Steve. See you then.

A: 谢谢你,史蒂夫先生。再见。

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