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A: Hi, Jim, I m calling to confirm our luncheon appointment. It s tomorrow at twelve o clock, right?

A: 喂,吉姆,我打电话是想确定一下我们约好吃饭的事。是明天12点吧?

B: Yes, that s right. I will pick up you at the park gate. Our destination is David s restaurant, any questions?

B: 是的,没错。我会在公园门口接你。我们的目的地是大卫餐厅。还有什么疑问吗?

A: No, it can be clearer. I ll be there on time. Goodbye.

A: 没有了,非常清楚了。我会按时到达的。再见。

B: Bye.

B: 再见。


A: Are you free on the thirteenth in the afternoon?

A: 下午十三点你有空吗?

B: No.I m afraid not. I m meeting Ruth then. How about the fourteenth?

B: 不行, 恐怕没有。我那时要去见鲁思。十四点怎么样?

A: I m sorry. I m attending a meeting at the Hilton then.

A: 对不起。那时我得去希尔顿参加会议。

B: What about the next day?

B: 那明天呢?

A: No. I m busy then too. I m meeting Dorothy at North Bridge.

A: 不行。我也很忙。我要去北桥见桃乐茜。

B: Are you free on Thursday afternoon?

B: 星期四下午你有空吗?

A: Yes, I think I am. Let s meet for lunch at mouth restaurant.

A: 有, 我想有。我们在摩斯餐厅一起吃午饭。

B: Good idea! Is two o clock okay?

B: 好主意! 两点钟如何?

A: That s fine. See you there!

A: 很好。回头见!

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