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A: Hello. Is that John? I have arrived at David s restaurant. When will you be here?

A: 你好,是约翰吗?我已经到大卫餐厅了。你什么时候到?

B: Hi, Ted, I am terribly sorry it is the rush hour, you know...

B: 嗨,特德,我实在太抱歉了,你知道,现在正是交通高峰……

A: Where are you now?

A: 你现在哪里?

B: I am still on my way to the restaurant, I am afraid I cannot be there until half past two.

B: 我还在去餐厅的路上,我恐怕要两点半才能到那里。

A: What, half past two? Then we can not only have lunch but dinner together! OK, you take your time. I have to leave as soon as possible. I have to go back to my company to discuss my plan with my boss at four o clock.

A: 什么,两点半?那我们干脆把晚饭和午饭一块吃了!好,你慢慢来吧。我要马上走了。我还要四点赶回公司和我老板讨论计划呢。

B: I am so sorry Ted. You go now and how about having dinner together, what time would be good for you tonight?

B: 实在太抱歉了,特德。你现在去吧,我们晚上一起吃晚饭如何,你什么时候有时间?

A: Five o clock, OK? Will you be here on time?

A: 五点,行吗?你会按时到吗?

B: No problem. I ll see you at five o clock.

B: 没问题。我五点去和你碰面。

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