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A: Mark, I need some help now.

A: 马克, 我现在需要你的帮忙。

B: What s the matter?

B: 什么事?

A: Just now I got a message on the answering machine but it s so unclear that I can not grasp the meaning of it.

A: 刚才我在答录机上收到一个消息,但是太不清楚了,以至我不明白是什么意思。

B: Really, let me have a listen. Wow, I can not see what the speaker means, either.

B: 是吗, 让我听一下。哦, 我也听不清是什么意思。

A: I don t know what he wants me to do. Let s start from the beginning again.

A: 我不知道他想让我做什么。让我们从头再听一下看看。

B: I think he will ring us later. I guess he does have something to tell you.

B: 我想过会他还会打电话给我们的。我猜他有事要告诉你。

A: I have got an idea. Maybe he has the wrong number, for I cannot recognize his voice.

A: 我知道了。或许他拨错号码了, 我辨认不出他的声音。

B: Wrong number?

B: 错号码?

A: OK. We ll have to wait and see.

A: 好,我们等着看看。

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