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A: Good morning! May I help you?

A: 早上好!有什么需要我为您服务的?

B: Yes, could you tell me what is the checking out time at the latest?

B: 你能告诉我最晚的退房时间吗?

A: Our checking out time is from 11∶00 to 12∶30 o clock.

A: 我们退房时间是从11点到12点半。

B: Well, I planned to check out this morning, but my flight doesn t leave until 7∶15p.m. And I don t want to wait around at the airport all day, could I check out after 5∶00 p.m.?

B: 我打算今早就退房, 可我的飞机要到下午7点15分才你能离开, 我不想整天在飞机场周围等, 我能下午5点以后退房吗?

A: Just a moment, please, sir... If we weren t so heavily booked, we could let you have a complimentary room. But now it is peak season and we ve got a full house, so if you really want to keep your room this afternoon, we ll have to charge you 50% of the price.

A: 请稍等, 先生……如果预定不是很多的话, 我们可以让您免费呆着。可现在是高峰时期房间满了, 如果您想要房间用到今天下午, 我们得收您百分之五十的费用。

B: Never mind, then, can I just leave my luggage somewhere until 5∶00 p.m.?

B: 没关系, 我能把行礼就放到下午5点吗?

A: Certainly, sir. If you speak to the bellboy, he ll take care of it, but please take all valuables with you.

A: 当然, 先生。如果您跟服务生说的话他会帮您照看的, 但是请把您的贵重物品随身携带。

B: I ll do that.

B: 我会的。

A: We are sorry for the inconvenience. Here is a complimentary coffee voucher, you can have a cup of coffee in our hotel bar on the second floor and spend your time there. We hope you have a nice time there.

A: 造成不便我们很抱歉。这是免费的咖啡券, 你能去二楼的酒吧喝杯咖啡, 打发一下时间。希望您在那儿能过得愉快。

B: Thank you very much.

B: 非常感谢。

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