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A: What can I do for you?

A: 您有什么需要吗?

B: I d like to check out now. Could you let me have the bill?

B: 我想现在结账。你能给我看一下账单吗?

A: Yes, of course, sir. May I know your room number?

A: 当然, 先生。您能告诉我您的房间号吗?

B: It s 678.

B: 678。

A: One moment, please, and I ll get the bill ready.

A: 请稍等,我算一下账单。

B: Thanks.

B: 谢谢。

A: Here you are, sir.

A: 给您,先生。

B: Does this include service and tax?

B: 包括小费和税了吗?

A: Yes, that s everything. And it shows the rate for the room and the extras are on the second page. How would you like to pay?

A: 全包括了。上面有房间费用,其他费用在第二页。您想用什么方式结账?

B: By credit card, if that s OK. Here you are.

B: 信用卡, 如果可以。给你。

A: That ll do nicely. Thank you. Could you sign here, please?

A: 能用信用卡比较好。谢谢。请在这儿签名。

B: Certainly.

B: 好的。

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