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A: Good evening, sir. Welcome to Huaxing Hotel. May I help you?

A: 晚上好, 先生。欢迎来华新酒店。有什么需要吗?

B: Yes. What kind of rooms do you have?

B: 是的。这里有什么种类的房间?

A: How large is your party?

A: 你们有几个人?

B: There are two people, my wife and I. Oh, no, three. There is my daughter, too.

B: 有两个人, 我和我妻子。哦, 不对, 是三个人。还有我女儿。

A: Let s see. We have a room with two double beds. Is that OK for you?

A: 稍等。我们有一个房间是两个双人床。您看合适吗?

B: That is OK.

B: 好的。

A: How many nights, please?

A: 请问住几晚?

B: Just one, please. We only plan to stay overnight.

B: 就一晚。我打算过一晚。

A: OK, may I have a look at your ID card, please?

A: 好的, 我能看一下您的身份证吗?

B: Here you are.

B: 给你。

A: Thanks.

A: 谢谢。

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